Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Skeptic Theory of Morality in International Relations...
Introduction: Nuclear bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, not answering the call for help in Rwanda, allowing Germany to take over Czechoslovakia, supporting the creation of the state of Israel, giving out loans (with interest) to developing countries, and the creation of the United Nations are all forms of international interference and cooperation amongst states. When looking at these examples and many more, it begs the question, does morality play a role in international affairs of a state? George Kennan, a prominent Skeptic, would argue that in international politics â€Å"other criteria, sadder, more limited, more practical, must be allowed to prevail.†In this essay, I will first present the Skeptic argument that morality either†¦show more content†¦These societies would then form into hierarchical civilizations leading to the modern state where laws and rules can not only be made but enforced to make peace and order is kept within the state. (Forde, 15) In th e international arena, there is no hierarchical rule to keep states in line or behaved; meaning that the international system is constantly in anarchy, aka the state of nature. This lack of rule enforcement puts states in a constant state of war, in a constant state where they need to stay on guard and in a tactical advantage otherwise the safety and well being of their state will be in jeopardy. In this scenario, the state’s number one priority is to protect itself and act in its self interest when need be, despite if it would typically be deemed immoral. (Donnelly 20) Machiavelli would go so far that it is within every right for more powerful states to conquer and subjugate weaker states because if another was to conquer that weaker state, they may have the advantage over you and destroy your state. Preemptive strikes, imperialism, and unprovoked wars are fully justified to Machiavelli because you either conquer or wait till your enemy attacks you. To some skeptics, ac ting in self interest is the only form of morality in the state of nature. (Forde, 9) Thucydides creates a moral argument that there is no justice between states of unequal power, and it is actually immoral for weaker states to resistShow MoreRelatedAustins Theory of Sovereignty2492 Words  | 10 Pagesother (earthly) person or institution. Austin thought that all independent political societies, by their nature, have a sovereign. †¢ Positive law should also be contrasted with â€Å"laws by a close analogy†(which includes positive morality, laws of honor, international law, customary law, and constitutional law) and â€Å"laws by remote analogy††¢ Austin also wanted to include within â€Å"the province of jurisprudence†certain â€Å"exceptions,†items which did not fit his criteria but which should nonethelessRead MoreEssay on The Negative Impact of Homosexual Behavior on Society2319 Words  | 10 PagesGreece, Egypt, and even China. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams - 1275 Words
In Tennessee Williams’ 1947 play, â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire,†Stella and Stanley Kowalski live in the heart of poor, urban New Orleans in a one-story flat very different from the prestigious home Stella came from. This prestige is alive and well inside Stella’s lady-like sister, Blanche Du Bois. Over the course of Blanche’s life, she has experienced many tragedies that deeply affected her, such as the death of her gay husband, the downward spiral in her mental health that followed, and most recently the loss of her wealth and therefore social status. She constructs a proverbial lampshade to mask her pain and to control the last part of her world that she is able to, the image she projects into the world for herself and others to see. The†¦show more content†¦She began believing she wasn’t worth as much and began settling for men who just wanted to sleep with her and turned to drinking as ways to ease her pain. As this form of comfort b ecame less effective, she began altering her image to suit her needs and it progressed until even she was trying to convince others of the validity of it. The adoption of one’s own lampshade as a coping mechanism is common today in people who have experienced a wide variety of trauma. The media has expressed the different kinds of lampshades dealing with trauma in many forms over the years. A recent example is the Lifetime movie Starving in Suburbia, in which teen dancer Hannah is sucked into the online, glamorized world of anorexia. The pressures around her and the online group of anorexia â€Å"Ana†supporters cause her to contract the disorder and therefore she changed her lampshade. Originally she was healthy and got her exercise from dancing. She didn’t have anything she needed to cope with except common pressures from school, dance, and her parents. Her lampshade at this point was just her perception of the world, her own personal reality. After she became anorexic, her lampshade became self-destructive as Blanche’s did and her need to make her body â€Å"perfect†caused her reality to appear as if everyone had turned against her. Blanche andShow MoreRelatedA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1109 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†is a play written by Tennessee Williams. Williams was born in Columbus, Mississippi but with a different name. He changed his name from Thomas Lanier Williams to what the readers know today as Tennessee Williams. (Forman). Williams is widely known for his plays, short stories, and poems across the world. He has won many awards for his work such as The New York Critics’ Circle Award and 2 Pulitzer awards. The play â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire he won his first Pulitzer PrizeRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1442 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout Tennessee Williams’s play, â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†one can learn a large portion about his personal life. In the play the character, Blanche has a mental illness the same as his sister Rose had in her lifetime. Blanche’s ex-husband was also homosexu al and he made the point to say that he left her for a man and Williams himself was also a homosexual. Tennessee chose for the story to be based in New Orleans, which was a crumbling town at the time and Williams was living a crumbling lifeRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams928 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis Paper: A Streetcar Named Desire For my analysis paper, I have chosen the full-length play by Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire. The drama containing several forms of realism was released in December of 1947 and stayed open on Broadway for two years until December of 1949. The play in set in New Orleans, Louisiana in a simi-poor area, but has a certain amount of charm that goes along with it. Williams creates a vast web of emotional conflicts thought all the characters, whichRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire, By Tennessee Williams1629 Words  | 7 PagesA Streetcar Named Desire, written by Tennessee Williams, was first performed on December 3rd, 1947. Chronicling the actions and events that take place when two sisters are reunited, A Streetcar Named Desire is regarded as one of Tennessee William’s most successful plays. Likewise, â€Å"Blank Space†, written and performed by Taylor Swift, was first performed November 23rd, during the 2014 American Music Awards. â€Å"Blank Space†s pent 22 weeks in the top 40 charts and is featured on the best selling albumRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesA Streetcar Named Desire In the summer of post World War II in New Orleans, Louisiana lives hard working, hardheaded Stanley and twenty-five year old pregnant, timid Stella Kowalski in a charming two-bedroom apartment on Elysian Fields. Stella’s older sister Blanche Dubois appears in the first scene unexpectedly from Laurel, Mississippi carrying everything she owns. In Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire, despite Blanche’s desire to start fresh in New Orleans, her snobbish nature, inabilityRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams672 Words  | 3 Pagesof the eraâ€â€is Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire, a tale of one woman’s destruction due to Southern society’s changing moral values. The destruction of the Old Southern society around the main character, Blanche DuBois, causes her to go insane and she cannot stand the low morals that the New South is carrying in its baggage. Because of his Southern roots, Tennessee Williams’ past is able to shine through his work. Born to a drunken shoe maker and a Southern belle, Williams was supportedRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1054 Words  | 5 Pagescalled â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†, there are numerous amounts of tragic events that not only affected the person in the event, but others around them as well. A tragedy, or tragic event, is known to bring chaos, destruction, distress, and even discomfort such as a natural disaster or a serious accident. A tragedy in a story can also highlight the downfall of the main character, or sometimes one of the more important character. In this book, â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire†, written by Tennessee Williams, heRead MoreTennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire929 Words  | 4 PagesThe â€Å"Desire’s†Breakdown Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire is a web of themes, complicated scenarios, and clashes between the characters. Therefore, it might’ve been somehow difficult to find out who the protagonist of this play is if it wasn’t for Aristotle’s ideas of a good tragedy because neither of the main characters, Stanley Kowalski and Blanche Dubois, is completely good nor bad. According to Aristotle’s Poetics, a good tragedy requires the protagonist to undergo a change of statusRead MoreTennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire964 Words  | 4 PagesLike many people in the world, the characters in Tennessee William’s play, A Streetcar Named Desire, are troubled by anxiety and insecurities. Life in New Orleans during the 1940s was characterized by the incredible variety of music, lively and bright atmosphere, and diverse population, while in the midst of the ongoing World War II. Culture was rich and fruitful because the city developed into a â€Å"melting pot†of people from all over the world. Due to the wide-range in population, the people ofRead MoreA Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams1263 Words  | 6 Pagesgrowth in the suffrage movement in England and the United States, with women struggling to attain political equality. However, this was not to last however, and by the fifties men had reassumed their more dominant role in society. Tennessee Williams wrote A Streetcar Named Desire around the time this reversal was occurring in American society. In this play male dominance is clear. Women are represented as delicate, reserved, and silent, confined to a domestic world that isolated them from the harsh realities
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business Plan Using Business Analytics †
Question: Discuss about the Business Plan Using Business Analytics. Answer: Introduction The present report is mainly focused on the creation of the business plan using business analytics with data mining process. As in the given scenario, it is seen that the AIH is considering providing assist for its students with not using the government funds. The main objective of the AIH is to develop its own financing program in order to provide the fund to the students. Therefore, the present report is mainly emphasized upon the finding organization objectives and success criteria. Moreover the report also focused on the how business uses the data mining tools to accomplish its set of objective. Business understanding Business objective The main objective of the business is to accomplish better competitive advantage and increase the student enrolments. This would help the organization to achieve higher amount of revenues from the market. Moreover, the association also focused on encourages students and other potential groups to study in university without worrying about the money related with the studying; this is also considered one of the vital objectives of the business. Problem areas According to the Micek Pacholczyk, (2017), Marketing and business development is considered the main problem areas of the organization. Since the organization primary purpose is to offers money to students in their studying time, therefore the business development plans helps the organization to determine that is it is profitable project or not for the organization. As said by the Siuly, et al., (2017), the organization also required to gather huge amount of data and findings an effective decision regarding the success of the project and this is not an easy task for the organization. Sources of financing also considered the main problems for the organization. Therefore to solve this issue AIH needs to incorporate data mining tools and techniques that assist them to find out the optimum simulations among the several alterative. The main motivation factors of this project are that they accomplish better brand name and success in competition market. Apart from that, if project is success then they attracts both national and international students that will helps them to increase profits from the enrolments and enhances in the market image in positive manner. From the evaluation of the business scenario it is seen that organization is not uses the data mining tools. The main target group of this project is students (both national and international) and other potential groups (rural residents, low income earners). Business objectives The main objective of the customers is to achieve financial amount (studying for a degree) from the organization in very low of internet. Apart from that, the primary objective of the organization to retain the customers by predicting when business is prone to move to competitors. Moreover the secondary objective of the organization is to find attract the customers from both national and international market that would help them to generate better revenues. Moreover the other purpose of the organization might to find out whether low fees influence only one particular segment of consumers. Therefore, as a data analysts I recommended that the organization needs to implement the data mining process that helps them to solving business issues in financing by finding causalities, correlations and patters in business information as well as market prices, that is not effectively apparent to the management because data volume to too large. Use of this tools in business, not only helps the organization to retain more customers but also helps to find out the credit risks, market risks, control and portfolio management in better manner. Business success criteria The business success criteria are to improve the productivity and improved customers satisfaction. The key success of the business is to retain more customers and provide better quality of services that customers are achieved. Therefore from the analysis and findings it is said that the main business success criteria are following; Increase performance( enrolment rate) by 18% from FY2017 to FY2018 Capture the market share of 12% within 24 months Reach the sales volumes of $10000000 within 24 months Assess solutions : Inventory of resources Human resource of present business development plan is following; Expert data analyst and business analysts Data mining engineers Technical support engineers In order to make better decision making procedures and success the business the organization needs to implements knowledge management system that involves data such as live warehouse and functional data, fixed extracts data and past data. Apart from that the organization needs to computer resources which includes the software system i.e. data mining software and computing resources such as hardware platforms. Sources of knowledge and data In present technology era sources of data play the vital roles as it helps the organization to make better decision making process in critical situations. Therefore in order to accomplish set of objective in successful manner organization/data analysts needs to uses different type of sources, which includes the written documents, excerpts data and online sources. Study conducted by the Cupek, (2017), data analysts main objective is to determine out the relationships and patterns in the data and applied the statistical techniques to find out whether there is any relationship exit better variable of not. Therefore, to accomplish the relationship between the low fees structure and organization performance, data analysts mainly implements different tools and techniques such as Google fusion tables, Rapidminer, Knime, Solver etc. Most of the data analysts use the R software that helps them to find out the relationship between the variables in better manner. As, the primary objective of th e organization is to accomplish better profits and retain more customers; this can be accomplished in better manner using these tools. As said by the Braun et al., (2017), Use of the data analysts techniques organization analyzes spending and withdrawal patterns to prevent identify theft and fraud. In addition to this, it also aids to find out the risks associated with the project in better manner. Assumptions, requirements and constraints Project completion Starting date of the project: 12-Novemnber-2017 Ending date of the project: 12-Novemeber-2018 Quality and comprehensibility of result In order to achieve better quality of outcomes data analysts mainly implements data i.e. both real time and past time data that helps them to find out the effective outcomes. Moreover, to gain achieve comprehensibility, data analysts store the all results in organization database from where the manager continuously monitor the development performance. Security and legal issues Security is considered the main issues in this development plan, because all the decision was made using findings of the available data and information. Therefore to solve this problem organization needs to implements password protection techniques, dual firewall techniques in database system (Chen et al., 2017). On the other hand organization needs to restrict users to access their data warehouse. The analysts mainly stored customers information in data base and findings optimum situations; therefore in such situation legal issues have been raised because without customers information organization has not any authority to use and analyze them. Thus to solve this problem is better manner the organization incorporates all ethical rules and regulations. Moreover, the organization respects individuals privacy in better manner. List of assumptions The team members of the development plan possess the desired competence for their job Demand of the students regarding the interests finance is continuously increases No economic disaster and major shift of the technology Validity of the results Constraint lists Constraints lists of the development plan are following; Accomplishing sufficient supplies and accommodations Timing and scheduling issues:- If the project i.e. development plan in not completed within the time limit then the organization not achieve its success criteria Costs associated with the data mining tools and techniques is high; therefore it is also considered the main constraint of the development plan Technical performance also considered one of the vital constrains because business success criteria is mainly based on the findings of the data. Lack of resources as well as skills on the part of the team members Lists of the risks Risks lists components project scope risks not well defied project scope, high complexity, no project charter Design and specification risks unrealistic specification, poor planning and designing Time risks not complete proper work break down structure, not effective database, high costs and resources Costs risk Contingency plan IT is an alternative plan that is mainly used of a possible foreseen risks event come in project. Therefore contingency plan is mainly represents preventive action that mitigate and decreases the negative impact of the risks. Issues associated with the project Action to be taken to solve Funding dependent upon the outcomes of data mining In order to solve these problems in more effective manner data analysts needs to recheck all the available outcomes in better manner. Moreover, Analysts needs to implement proper data analysis tools and techniques that reduce the error of data mining findings. Data sources The decision of the development plan is mainly based on the data sources, therefore to accomplish better outcomes data analysts needs to use data from appropriate website and government website (Studeny et al., 2017) Apart from that before selection of the data, analysts must have to ensure that data is reliable and viable. Competioror comes with better solutions If the competitor comes with the better solutions then the organization needs to modify their objective and development plan. funding problems Funding also considered that main problems; therefore to solve this problems organization needs to move different sources of finance such as bank loan. Determine the data mining objectives The main objective of the data mining is to find out the structure data from unstructured data that helps the organization in decision making procedures. Another objective of the data mining is to find out the patterns in apparently random information and utilize all this data to better gain and understand patterns, trends and correlations and finally find out the customers interest towards the development plan. Moreover data mining also helps the organization to find out how many profits the organization achieve from development plan and how many widget a consumers purchase given their purchasers over the previous years. Business objective into data mining objective The main objective of the organization is to attract customers from the international and national; therefore use of data mining process organization implements marketing campaign that helps them to determine the customers segment in better manner. Moreover analyzing of the available data and information data analysts effectively find out the size of the segment (Hou, Guo Nevin, 2017). The main issues of the data mining process are mining methodology and user interaction, performance issues and diverse data types issues. Mining distinguish type of knowledge from the database is not easy. Moreover pattern evaluation also considered one of the main issues of data mining. References Cupek, R., Duda, J., Zonenberg, D., Ch?opa?, ?., Dzi?dziel, G., Drewniak, M. (2017, September). Data Mining Techniques for Energy Efficiency Analysis of Discrete Production Lines. InConference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications(pp. 292-301). Springer, Cham. El Sibai, R., Chabchoub, Y., Chiky, R., Demerjian, J., Barbar, K. (2017, September). Assessing and Improving Sensors Data Quality in Streaming Context. InConference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications(pp. 590-599). Springer, Cham. Braun, P., Cuzzocrea, A., Keding, T. D., Leung, C. K., Padzor, A. G., Sayson, D. (2017). 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Association Rules in Data with Various Time Periods. InInternational Conference on ManMachine Interactions(pp. 387-396). Springer, Cham.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Similarities and Differences Between War Stories Essays
Eisenbeis 1 Courtney Eisenbeis Professor Otto Composition II 4 October 2015 Similarities and Differences Between War Stories The stories Soldiers Home by Ernest Hemingway, and The Things They Carried by Tim OBrien both concern war tragedies and focus on the physical, mental, and emotional points of the lifestyle of war. Tim OBrien, the author and narrator of The Things They Carried, describes the physical, mental, and emotional things the American soldiers carried with them during the Vietnam War. Throughout the story Tim tells what each soldier carries and why. Each character also describes what they experience from their perspective. Ernest Hemingway, the author of Soldiers Home, told a story about the main character, Kerbs, who went to war for two years. When he returned, no one was interested in congratulating him for being a war hero. At first he did not want to talk about his war experiences, but as time went on and he did, and people were not interested in his actualities. His stories were true, but not what anyone wanted to listen to. In order to get people to listen, he had to make up false parts of his stories to make them appeal to the town. OBrien and Hemingway share similar themes about war era stories, and similar styles in war soldiers point of view, but in contrast, OBrien focuses on the the physical, mental, and emotional problems in oneself, while Hemingway focuses on the emotional aspect of coming home to a not so thankful town. While both stories have a different setting, they both focus on the main point of the effects of war on the soldiers and what they go through during and after war. In The Things Eisenbeis 2 They Carried, Obrien talks about the specific things the soldiers carried such as letters to one soldier signed Love, Martha, and the list of items carried by most all soldiers. Some of those items include pocket knives, wristwatches, chewing gum, matches, sewing kits, ect. (OBrien, 1159). Along with things they kept close to them for physical use or mental use to keep them fighting, they go through hard times of losing crew members to killing people they believe seem innocent. In The Things They Carried, a crew member was killed like watching a rock fall, or a big sandbag or somethingjust boom, then down and due to them all being so close, the death caused the crew members to be greatly affected. In a Soldiers Home, the main character, Kerbs, is greatly affected by the lack of support and honor given to him by his family and community members. He [Kerbs] found that to be listened to at all he had to lie which made him have a greater reaction to the lies about war (Hemingway, 1). His lies led him to believe that was actually what happened while in the war. In contrast to the main focus of both stories, even though they are both based around wars, they both happen in different kinds of settings. In The Things They Carried, the story takes place on the battlefield in war. It talks about what they go through on a daily basis and the actual situations they come in contact with. On the other hand, a Soldiers Home is based around soldiers coming home and how they are greeted and not greeted and how they are treated in their lives back home by the people in the community they live in. Both stories have a main focus on how soldiers feel, but it is very different within the placement of where their feelings are coming from in different situations. The Things They Carried goes more in depth about the mental and physical aspects of war because it is a longer story. It includes a more personal level from multiple soldiers who Eisenbeis 3 travel in a group rather than of just how one person feels about the aftermath of war. It is more of an ongoing story continuing throughout a live war. In a Soldier's Home, the story is about soldiers coming home from war and the absence of honor from the community. In the story a soldier who comes home later than others is not honored even though he did more to save the country than those who did not spend as long in war. Kerbs was the man with all the true and exciting, but scary stories. In order for him to get people to care he had to mentally figure out a way to get
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