Tuesday, August 25, 2020
My Last Duchess Cel Essay Example
My Last Duchess Cel Essay The content I have chosen to talk is My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning. which was written in 1842. My Last Duchess is an emotional talk of one side of a discussion between a Duke and a Count’s dispatch who are negociating a marriage to the Count’s young lady. The Duke’s address about his Last Duchess’ uncovers perhaps more than he principal proposed to. The Duke shows the Count’s emissary an image of his Last Duchess. ’ he talks affectionately of the image and proceeds to delineate the Duchess. He portrays her as delightful. simple satisfied and playful. The location of this stanza structure is the sixteenth century. where grown-up females were viewed as unimportant possessions. objects. kid bearers. â€not people†and educated to obey orders without logical inconsistency. which could be deserving of expire. In this article I mean to talk what I consider to be the poem’s expectation and importance. In My Last Duchess the Duke has all the earmarks of being an extremely glad. rapacious. furthermore, great taught grown-up male. He grumbles that the Duchess gets his blessing her of a 900 twelvemonth old name as though it were of a similar incentive as the branch of fruits and the white donkey given to her by some officious’ sap. He is genitive and instructing. what's more, it is his rapacious nature that causes the duchess’s perish. It would non be simply to express that the Duke requested for the Duchess to be discarded. just on the grounds that she played with other work powers. he gave her admonition and she resisted him. In the sixteenth century this would hold been viewed as an extraordinary maltreatment. Womans were treated as slaves. furthermore, on the off chance that they defied their hubbies or male individuals from their family so they would be known as a shame to their family and their hubbies. who might hold nil more to make with them. We will compose a custom paper test on My Last Duchess Cel explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on My Last Duchess Cel explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on My Last Duchess Cel explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The duchess affronts the duke. who is as of now avaricious of her relationships’ with other work powers. who has given her admonition. what's more, who she has offended and go a humiliation to. the Duke feels he has no other pick however to discard her. The Duke picks his words actually cautiously while talking the perish of the duchess with the clergyman emissary. dropping only little suggestions. in any case, giving satisfactory grounds to take us to accept that did so dispose of her’ . Her expire would hold been peaceful and cautious ; which I accept would hold been the Duke’s way. no vacillate and no incommodiousness for the duke. Because of the rubric of the stanza structure. what's more, how the duke depicts the duchess as basically his last’ . doing it seem like there has been numerous duchesses before her. She was his trophy wedded lady. what's more, he valued holding a lovely. juvenile wedded lady. yet, couldn't order his green-looked at beast over the individuals who other than valued her excellence. I think the duke has hitched commonly to get land. cash and all the more altogether. power. The Duke pined for power. cash and needed the ideal wedded lady. who was wonderful and followed all his offers. The Duke is rapacious of the way the Duchess treats others. non in light of the fact that he cherishes her and needs the entirety of her affection for himself. but since he needs her to concede his control over her. The Last Duchess’ was a juvenile miss when she wedded the Duke. she could hold been around 13 or 14 mature ages old. At this age. despite the fact that she is old bounty to cognize directly from inaccurate. what's more, will non be each piece youthful as a 10 or twelve twelvemonth old. it is questionable that she is old bounty to get by with so much obligation. to be hitched to the duke for an amazing rest and to abstain from going a humiliation to her family. To the peruser. she may look as though she is just grinning at other work powers. expressing gratitude toward them for their endowments and crimsoning at respects. However. to the duke she is grinning at other work powers. a similar way she grins at him. this makes him stress that she is being unfaithful. She other than rates his endowment of a multi year old name equivalent to some other old blessing. non truly understanding the worth and significance that he accepts his name to be. She blossoms and smilings. at the point when paid respects. naming that spot of satisfaction into her cheek. of which the Duke is so genitive over. He other than remarks that She had a heartâ€how will I state? â€too in no time made happy. too much simple intrigued ; she preferred whate’er she looked on. also, her demeanors went everyplace. By expressing this. he is indicating that she was unreasonably simple intrigued. she enjoyed anybody she seen. furthermore, she took a gander at everybody. The duchess. is juvenile and youthful. she has been cautioned by the duke she should end tease with other work powers. or then again face the impacts. She sees the Duke’s powerless topographic point. his green-peered toward beast over her. what's more, comes back to prod him. perhaps grinning at work powers when she realized she was being viewed. this at last. is the reason for her demise her failure to stop grin. He says. Goodness sir. she grinned. no vulnerability whene’er I passed her ; yet who went absent a lot of a similar grinning? This developed ; I gave offers ; so all smilings halted together. There she remains as though alive. The duchess despite everything grins at the duke. be that as it may, other than at any other person who passes. this bothers the Duke. who. at the point when she resists him has concluded that he can non take it any more. It out of nowhere day breaks on the peruser that the Duke has non prevented her from just grinning. he has prevented her from take a relaxing. it is a chilling exposure. He has requested her to be discarded. thus he out of nowhere changes the subject back to the image. about as though he can’t be tried to talk the issue any farther. I figure the Duke and Duchess may hold had affections for one another. what's more, rather than value the sentiments of the Duke. she chooses to throb them. to badger him. to do him avaricious. demoin g her immatureness and her naivete of dismissing his alerts. In the initial scene of the section structure. the Duke portrays the image. That’s my keep going Duchess painted on the divider. Looking as though she were alive. I consider that piece an appreciation. presently. This could simple be confused with extravagant of the duchess. however, he is genuinely saluting the image. He calmly discloses to us that it is his Last Duchess’ on the divider. non inconvenience oneselfing to call her. as though she were his proprietorship and alludes to her as my. ’ He remarks on the painter’s achievement and capacity to paint her. doing her appearance as though she were an existent individual in forepart of them. At the point when the duchess was being painted by Fra pandolf’ . the painter gives her a pat on the back. which calls a spot of bliss to her cheek. which the Duke feels ought to be saved only for himself. He is cautious non to reveal his emotions towards the Duchess. in spite of the fact that he does accidenta lly through his green-looked at beast. He cared for the Duchess. perhaps he did non love her. or on the other hand perhaps he thought of her as a proprietorship and was egotistical. declining to divide her grinning with any other individual. however, he held affections for her. These emotions developed. thus did his green-peered toward beast. the outcome of which despondently finished in the Duchesses perish. The duke was. from the start. merciful with the Duchess. leting her to visit up with other work powers. furthermore, when it turns out to be exorbitantly much for him. cautioning her. also, when she does non take mindfulness of his notice and he stresses that his notoriety will be discolored he needs to move. also, act he does. with the Duchess’s perish. Despite the fact that. at the terminal of the refrain structure. he requests that the priest emissary lift. to run into the organization that is standing by first floor. they talk about the dowery which the Duke will have when he weds the Count’s young lady. The check so proceeds onward to talk the sculpture of a walrus. which he depicts equivalent to he did the image. doing it look that he did so hold no specific emotions towards the Duchess. furthermore, he esteems the walrus. equivalent to the duchess. I accept that this refrain structure is set in the sixteenth century. in the Renaissance time frame. where the Italian honorability managed Italy. the hapless had no state and the nobility at the clasp rewarded grown-up females like slaves. In this time of clasp. it was unsatisfactory for a grown-up female to demo her legs. unnecessarily a lot of her weaponries. to be gotten altogether with other work powers. regardless of whether they were guiltless or non. or on the other hand to be unloyal to the individuals who had taken consideration of her. The stanza structure is set in the duke’s palatial’ house. there could be so be a gathering ground floor. perchance to praise the Duke and the Count’s young ladies future pre-marriage ceremony. There will be a considerable lot of import individuals welcomed. for example, the Count. his young lady and his court each piece great the same number of other of import individuals of the clasp. The priest emissary. in the wake of talking the dowery with the Duke. will come back to the gathering. to address the Count and it will be chosen the size of the dowery. furthermore, regardless of whether the pre-marriage ceremony will go on. This is an of import party for the Duke and he will want to demo that he has riches. riches. force and impact to the Count. with the goal that he will be intense for his young lady to get hitched the Duke. The Duke’s house is enormous. also, loaded up with craftsmanship. he appears the kind of individual to hold retainers who will be taking consideration of the gathering first floor. The main subjects of this section structure are riches. riches. power. green-looked at beast and the male overwhelmed society of the sixteenth century. In spite of the fact that there is no subject of lov
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The NHS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The NHS - Essay Example This free treatment approach of the NHS should be updated, as this isn't just out of line to the citizens however is probably going to carry monetary breakdown to the NHS spending plan with the expanding number of diabetic and malignant growth patients (Hardman, 2012). Infections of lungs malignant growth, diabetes, and metabolic conditions are the ones which require costly and draw out clinical treatment. Lungs disease is the most known type of malignancy which can cause breaking down lungs of patients and could likewise bring about a difficult demise. Specialists looking into on this sickness have obviously expressed that 90% of the lung malignant growth is expected o cigarette smoking or tobacco utilization. As the quantity of dynamic smokers have expanded, so is the pace of lung malignant growth, and there is no other main consideration adding to this sickness (Groves, 2012). Report of the American Lung Association on world illnesses, uncovers that the among all malignant growth passings including Breast and Colon disease, lung malignancy has the most elevated number of passings (American Lung Association, 2013). Over the span of only 50 years, this ailment has taken existences of more than 6.5 million individuals in the UK alone. The significant purposes behind this is the commitment of globalization, which has many cigarette, stogie and tobacco producing organizations, which has diminished the costs of these medications and has made it effectively open to everybody (Cancer Research UK, 2012). The other explanation is the absence of government consideration on this issue and the disappointment of presenting appropriate and cutting edge approaches. In the continuous discussions to whether the NHS should change its subsidizing and free treatment strategies for lung malignant growth patients, these realities can give a firm ground to the contention of confining those assets. In such manner, Phillip Lee, a GP professional, raised the point that if the legislat ure continued paying for smokers and diabetic patients, it is in a way reassuring different smokers. He said in the NHS gathering (2012) that individuals are allowed to expend whatever they wish for, however just at the expense of their own cash. On the off chance that the NHS won't chop down the treatment costs financed to the smoking patients, at that point its absolutely impossible the nation will dispose of smoking wellbeing issue (Groves, 2012). It is apparent from these realities that the infection of lung malignancy is because of the terrible craving decision and smoking propensity for the patient. In addition, these individuals have hurt the strength of others in their environmental factors, as any individual who breathes in the smoke of cigarette is likewise influenced somewhat. Clinical specialists have delineated the way that latent smokers, the ones who are presented to cigarette smokes of a smoker, have a larger number of opportunities to create lung disease than the in dividuals who are not (Groves, 2012). This clarifies smokers have put their lives on dangers, yet additionally the lives of numerous other people who come in the region of their smoking zone. One empowering actuality for these smokers is their free treatment from the social insurance spending plan of the nation (Groves, 2012). The reason for giving free clinical treatment to patients is to help the individuals who can't manage the cost of for the clinical cost of their illnesses or clutters, which have grown normally or accidently and they are not the ones capable. Giving this office to lung malignancy patients won't cause them to understand their demonstration of numbness and impropriety. In this manner, if people who are dependent on smoking or tobacco are
Sunday, August 9, 2020
What to Know Before Signing a Non-Compete Clause or Non-Disclosure Agreement
What to Know Before Signing a Non-Compete Clause or Non-Disclosure Agreement Non-compete clause and non-disclosure agreement used to be reserved for high-level executives and top-secret industries.But they are now popping up in industries you least expect.As an employee, it’s important to know what these agreements are all about and how you should deal with them when presented with one.THE TWO AGREEMENTS MEAN DIFFERENT THINGSLet’s start by examining what the agreements are since they both mean different things and could be offered under different circumstances.The definition of a non-compete clauseThe non-compete clause is signed to cover situations that might occur after you stop working with your current employer. It prevents you from directly competing with your former employer once you end your contract with them.The agreement outlines how long you’re prevented from competing with the former employer and often goes into more details in terms of the geographical limits of the contract.The purpose of a non-compete clause or NCC is to protect your empl oyer from you just resigning and taking your talent to a competitor â€" leaving them in trouble.It’s typically not just about working for a competitor either but it also prevents you from launching your own competing business.If you were fighting for the same commercial space, then you would be prevented from doing it for a specific period of time.The definition of a non-disclosure agreementThe non-disclosure agreement deals with sharing information.When you sign the NDA, you agree not to disclose anything the company considers proprietary or confidential.You are not allowed to share this information or use it to your advantage while you’re in the company or after you’ve left it. The information can range from business plans to models and financial information.The purpose is to prevent you from leaking confidential information that might help the competitors.Unlike the NCC, you are able to start your own business or work for a competitor but you just can’t use the proprietar y or confidential information you gained during employment at the new job.NEVER SIGN EITHER AGREEMENT ON THE SPOTNow, if an employer presents you with an NCC or an NDA to sign, you should never do so on the spot.There is no legal justification for the employer to ask you to sign one immediately â€" you must be given time to go over the paper. You shouldn’t make the opposite hasty decision either.Don’t refuse to sign one altogether before understanding what the agreement is about. There are valid reasons for the employer to ask you to sign it and the agreements are not always harmful or bad.You also need to remember the employer could potentially withdraw their job offer if you refuse to sign the agreement.The Winona Search Group, a Minnesota-based recruitment company, says on their website, “General objections to signing non-competes can end up being red flags for employers†â€" rather than just saying ‘no’, you want to produce an informed response to open dialogue.When you’re presented with either of the agreements, you should ask to have a day or two to go over it before signing. You want to fully understand the implications because once you sign it, the document does become legally binding.If you feel like the details are unclear or murky, you should consider discussing the content with an employment attorney.You might find free legal advice online.This is a useful thing to consider, especially if you’ve never had to sign an NCC or NDA before.Once you are ready to sign the document, you need to remember to ask for a copy. Some employers might offer to hold on to the only copy but you have the legal right to your own copy and you should definitely get it. Keep it in your records to ensure it isn’t changed.If the is any problem with the agreement, having a copy will help you dispute it or take proceedings further.Furthermore, remember the employer has to present you with a new version of the agreement to sign if they want to make changes.Itâ €™ll effectively be a new document, which you then need to read and understand before signing. The employer cannot make changes without your knowledge or without you agreeing to them.YOU CAN NEGOTIATE THE AGREEMENTSIt’s important to understand you don’t have to agree to sign the documents as they are presented to you. It is a good idea to negotiate the agreements, especially if you find something troubling.The employer may or may not agree to this but it’s always worth asking for changes if you are uncomfortable with the agreements in their current form.When you are negotiating either the NCC or the NDA, you should do the following:Know what you are looking to achieve. Have a clear idea of the clauses you want to change or the details you aren’t comfortable with. It’s much easier to start negotiations when you know what you want to change rather than just stating you want the documents changed.Do you think the specific limitations are off (such as timeframe or geographical limits)? Perhaps you find the wording wrong or unclear. Whatever your objections, it’s important to determine what you want out of the negotiations and what a good agreement would look like to you.Understand the company’s real concerns. It’s important to realize the real concerns the company will have and the reasons they are asking employees to sign these agreements. You want to ensure you don’t ask the agreement to be scrapped but you show compassion and understanding for the employer’s concerns.The employer might agree to not have a geographic limitation in the NCC if you agree to add a non-solicitation clause to the agreement.You could also point out the timeline for NDA seems too excessive in terms of your career progression. Instead of scrapping it altogether, you could simply suggest the timeframe is cut a little shorter.This shows the employer you understand where they are coming from. It reassures them that you take the agreements seriously but you also have to t hink about your own career path and the impact the agreement might have on you.Ask for career reassurances. It is important to ensure you don’t end up signing the document only to feel like your career progression is stuck.Since you might be restricted to working with a competitor or starting your own business, you don’t want your career to just be stuck.The employer should provide you with enough reassurances that career progression is possible at the firm â€" you want to have the ability to advance and change jobs, as well as to improve your earnings.If you can’t get any of these reassurances then you need to consider what the agreements might mean for your career path.Consult the HR department or an employment attorney if needed. Throughout the negotiations, you should talk to an attorney or the HR department to clear any confusion and to get support.You don’t want to deal with the issues alone if you feel uncertain about the procedures or the different elements in the ag reement.THE CONSEQUENCES OF BREAKING THE NCC OR NDA ARE SEVEREYou also need to understand the documents are not just a random paper you need to sign. Breaking the NCC or the NDA is not a minor thing.It can have serious consequences, which is why it’s essential for you to understand the agreement fully before signing.Businesses take confidentiality seriously and they are always wary of competitors gaining ground â€" they will look to enforce these agreements to protect the business.What can happen if you are found to be in breach of the agreement?Your employer is most likely going to sue you and you’ll need to defend yourself in court.Of course, the issue might be settled before it goes that far â€" you should consult a lawyer to ensure the issue is resolved smoothly.It is your responsibility to prove you haven’t broken the contract. If you can’t do this and the employer has a strong case against you, then you will most likely face two outcomes:You will need to pay a fine. Th is might be determined by the actual agreement or it might be decided by the judge.You will lose your job. If you are working for the employer and you break the NDA, the employer could dismiss you from your job.It’s actually this threat of a costly legal battle that makes employers use these agreements. The threat of having to pay a fine can be enough for employees to seek employment elsewhere or to stay with the company to avoid having to find an employer that’s not direct competition.Now, if you are thinking the fee can’t be that bad and you are prepared to lose your job, here are a few examples of the cost of breaching the agreements.According to a post by G G Law, the amounts former employers have won have been anything from $7,313.72 to $138,000.Therefore, you aren’t going to be talking about a few pennies â€" making it imperative, you know what you are signing up for.THE RULING BOILS DOWN TO REASONABLE AND UNREASONABLE DEMANDSWhen it comes down to considering whether you’ve broken the agreement or not, it’s the courts that can have the final say.What the decision boils down to is to decide whether the demands in the agreements are reasonable or not.Five major points determine the rulingWhen courts are determining the legality of an NCC or an NDA, they focus on examining five points. These are:The potential harm â€" When presenting the case to courts, the employer has to be able to establish your breach as harmful or potentially harmful to the company. You simply breaking the agreement tend not to be enough. The employer has to show that your specific action in breaking the agreement harmed or had the potential to harm the business.There must be legitimate business interest at stake for the courts to accept the claims. This means your action must have an impact on trade secrets, proprietary information, investments in special technology or training, or harm in terms of long-term customer relationships.The specific time period â€" Courts will also examine the time period defined by the agreement (if any). The idea is to determine whether it’s reasonable or not and the ruling can often depend on the industry and the nature of the job.For example, when considering the non-compete contract, the courts will examine what is a reasonable timeframe for preventing you from working for a competitor or launching your own business. If you’re a hairdresser, then anything below a year might seem reasonable (often even less than this).On the other hand, if you’ve been a top executive, the courts might think anything from two to five years can be a reasonable timeframe.The prohibited territory â€" Similar to the previous point, the courts will examine the territory defined in the agreement and whether it is reasonable.In today’s world, most people move about quite a bit and NCCs and NDAs must take into account this kind of territorial context. You can’t expect the local cafeteria in a different country is a competitor of the bakery you worked for 20,000 miles away!The reasonable territory, therefore, depends on the business and the nature of the organization. In the example of the hairdresser, a small ten-mile perimeter might be considered reasonable and for the executive of a global company, the perimeter might be much wider.The impact on the employee â€" The courts will also examine whether the agreements seriously hinder your ability to work. In essence, they will consider the impact of the agreement on your career path.Your ability to make a living will be considered and things such as forced relocation can come into question. For example, the agreement might be deemed unreasonable if it means you have no other option than to move to a different city, state or country.On the other hand, if your skills are easily transferable and you aren’t restricted by industry, you might not be as successful in overturning the agreement.The interest of the general public â€" Finally, there is the consideration o n what the agreement means for the general public, especially in terms of the issue of monopoly.In essence, if the agreements create a situation that severely stifles competition, then it might be deemed unacceptable because it helps to create a monopoly.It’s important to understand there needs to be a distinction between normal competition and intended harm. The courts won’t accept agreements that prevent normal competition from taking place.Now, it’s important to remember the above five points are just things the courts will consider â€" how much weight they give to each point will depend on the courts and the local laws.It’s, nonetheless, a good idea to understand these points as it can help you during the negotiations and in figuring out what the agreements might mean to you.RELEASING YOURSELF FROM THE AGREEMENTBefore you sign the document, it’s essential to check what the agreement says about the length of validity.You should know how long it will be enforced and what happens when you leave the job.If these issues are not clearly defined, you definitely want to ask the employer to add them to the contract before signing.A detailed timeline for the enforcement will help you live your life accordingly and ensures you don’t end up breaking the agreement.Now, despite the contract having a release clause or defined enforcement time, it is possible to ask for a release earlier.For example, if you are changing jobs, you might negotiate with the employer whether it is possible to release you immediately from either of the agreements.Whether you will be released from the contract or not will depend on your reasons for leaving the job.If you are changing jobs, the employer might feel the agreement doesn’t have to be in place any longer â€" especially if you are changing industries or moving far away.However, if you are leaving to work for a direct competitor, it’s unlikely the employer agrees to release you from the clause.If you have been laid off, it’s definitely a good idea to ask to be released.Your argument in this scenario is strong â€" your employment has ended without you wanting that to happen.Therefore, you’re not leaving the employer out of your own desire and it’s not reasonable for the employer to enforce the agreements.However, it is not something they are necessarily required to do â€" so you shouldn’t expect it to automatically happen.THE BOTTOM LINEThe key thing to know about NCCs and NDAs is that they are becoming more common.But this doesn’t mean you should just sign them on the spot.It’s important to read and to understand the agreements â€" including the fine print. You want to ensure you don’t get in trouble simply because you didn’t bother reading the documents.While it can mean a loss of a job opportunity to decline to sign an agreement, you shouldn’t get into a bad deal just to get a job. If you can’t negotiate the terms, it might be time to look for another job opportunity.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Movie Analysis Spartacus - 1983 Words
Harrison Tobin Zeiner-Carmichael Maymester 2015 Film Analysis Spartacus: Film Analysis Spartacus, directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1960, is a magnificent Roman tale that represents the passionate and fanatical care that Spartacus, a Thracian slave, ensured for countless innocent slaves and citizens despite the detrimental disadvantage that this massive group of people endured for multiple years. It all began when Lentulus Batiatus, a Roman â€Å"lanista†businessman, ventured to North Africa in order to find healthy and vigorous slaves so they could be trained and eventually formed into combat gladiators. Spartacus is a muscular man, therefore he is chosen by Batiatus. Through a series of events, Marcus Licinius Crassus, who is the richest and most powerful man in Rome, enters the gladiator school and insists on seeing a â€Å"fight to the death.†Eventually, Spartacus is chosen to duel with Draba; and surprisingly, Draba quickly has Spartacus in a position where he could have easily slayed him, but instead Draba dropped his weapon and attempted to atta ck Crassus before rapidly being stabbed in the back by a Roman soldier. Shortly after this gladiatorial uprising, Crassus hears that slaves have ran free near Mount Vesuvius but does not seem to worry as he downplays them as â€Å"merely just a slave army.†(90, Big Screen Rome) This worries many Roman elites and citizens because â€Å"there are more slaves than Romans.†(90, Big Screen Rome) As Gracchus attempts to persuade Crassus toShow MoreRelatedMovie And Scene Of The Movie Spartacus 1659 Words  | 7 PagesThe popular 1960 film Spartacus, directed by Stanley Kubrick and named after the famous slave revolt leader of the same name, was no exception. Movie and Scene Presentation Summary The film was set in the same setting as the titular protagonist historically started the slave revolt: in Italy, and was especially set in the time of the Roman Empire. Spartacus, the slave, was sold off to a man named Batiatus, who had the slave enrolled into a gladiator school. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The American Dream Speech Essay - 730 Words
In life people often overcome difficult things and learn â€Å"life lessons†that impact their life and way of thinking. Often times Literature can influence people’s thoughts and action. Specifically, Dr. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"The American Dream†is an excellent example of influential speaking. The song â€Å"one tribe†by the black eyed peas is also a song that changes people’s thinking. In addition, Cesar Chavez’s speeches are another example of influential speaking. I think the theme of these influential speaking is Righteousness, Independence, and Egalitarianism for everyone. In the famous speech â€Å"The American Dream†Dr. Martin Luther King shares an insight to what he has seen in his life and an insight into equality and unity in the United†¦show more content†¦Finally, Cesar Chavez was born into a Mexican-American family on March 31, 1937. Cesar Chavez was a person who spoke out for the rights of farmworkers in America so they would have equal rights. Originally a Mexican American farm worker, Chavez became the best known Latino American civil rights activist and was strongly promoted by the American labor movement, which was eager to enroll Hispanic members. His public-relations approach to unionism and aggressive but nonviolent tactics made the farm workers struggle a moral cause with nationwide support. By the late 1970s, his tactics had forced growers to recognize the UFW as the bargaining agent for 50,000 field workers in California and Florida. During his lifetime, Colegio Cesar Chavez was one of the few institutions named in h is honor, but after his death, he became a major historical icon for the Latino community, with many schools, streets, and parks being named after him. He has since become an icon for organized labor and leftist politics, symbolizing support for workers and for Hispanic empowerment based on grassroots organizing. He is also famous for popularizing the slogan Sà , se Puede (Spanish for Yes, one can or, roughly, Yes, it can beShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men1500 Words  | 6 PagesYear 11 Controlled Assessments â€Å"I Have a Dream†by Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most memorable speeches of all time. It is worthy of lengthy study as we can all learn speechwriting skills from King’s historic masterpiece. Martin Luther Kings Speech I have a dream is a very touching speech which expresses freedom and equality to its audience. The greatness of this speech is tied to its historical content. In this essay I will investigate and explore how Martin Luther King EmphasisesRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Obama s Victory Speech1181 Words  | 5 PagesObama’s Victory Speech Introduction: Barack Obama was re-elected as President of the U.S on November 6th, 2012. Barack Obama held his Victory Speech on the following day. 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Kennedy’s â€Å"Inaugural Address†and Martin Luther King Junior’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†are both great examples of such historical speeches. Both these speeches have many similarities such as, referencing the past, wanting change to happen, and both desired peace. Yet with all these similaritiesRead MoreMartin Luther King Rhetorical Analysis806 Words  | 4 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King’s Speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†Likita M. Taylor ITT-Tech English 1320: Composition I November 12 2012 Rhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King’s Speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†â€Å"I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.†These are the opening words of Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream speech†, which he predicted will be the foundation of the Civil Rights Movement
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Is Sip Trunk Free Essays
What a SIP trunk is? A SIP trunk is an IP connection that establishes a SIP communications link between your organization and an Internet telephony service provider (ITSP) beyond your firewall. Typically, a SIP trunk is used to connect your organization’s central site to an ITSP. In some cases, you may also opt to use SIP trunking to connect your branch site to an ITSP. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Sip Trunk or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike in traditional telephony, where bundles of physical wires were once delivered from the service provider to a business, a SIP trunk allows a company to replace these traditional fixed PSTN lines with PSTN connectivity via a SIP trunking service provider on the Internet. SIP trunks can offer significant cost-savings for enterprises, eliminating the need for local PSTN gateways, costly ISDN BRIs (Basic Rate Interfaces) or PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces). Why you would use a SIP trunk? Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to initiate and manage Voice over IP (VoIP) communications sessions for basic telephone service and for additional real-time communication services, such as instant messaging, conferencing, presence detection, and multimedia. This section provides planning information for implementing SIP trunks, a type of SIP connection that extends beyond the boundary of your local network. Deploying SIP trunking can be a big step toward simplifying your organization’s telecommunications and preparing for up-to-date enhancements to real-time communications. One of the primary advantages of SIP trunking is that you can consolidate your organization’s connections to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) at a central site, as opposed to its predecessor, time division multiplexing (TDM) trunking, which typically requires a separate trunk from each branch site. RFCs that discuss SIP trunking Best Practices for SIP Trunks: Since SIP trunks are meant for interconnection between servers, they SHOULD run over TCP. Authentication SHOULD be done using mutual TLS authentication, with both sides of the trunk providing a TLS Certificate. TODO: might be interesting to recommend some practices for usage of phone numbers, but this might be out of scope here. Security Considerations: Servers providing SIP trunks will need to authenticate and authorize access to those trunk services. This specification recommends usage of the practices defined and required in RFC 3261 – mutual TLS uthentication – for this purpose. In some cases, the requests sent on SIP trunks can require confidentiality and message integrity. In such cases, usage of mutual authenticated TLS is RECOMMENDED. [RFC3261] Rosenberg, J. , Schulzrinne, H. , Camarillo, G. , Johnston, A. , Peterson, J. , Sparks, R. , Handley, M. , and E Schooler, â€Å"SIP: Session Initiation Protocol†, RFC 3261, June 2002. [RFC3263] Rosenberg, J. and H . Schulzrinne, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers†, RFC 3263, June 2002. Informative References: [RFC4458] Jennings, C. , Audet, F. , and J. Elwell, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)†, RFC 4458, April 2006. [RFC4480] Schulzrinne, H. , Gurbani, V. , Kyzivat, P. , and J. Rosenberg, â€Å"RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)†, RFC 4480, July 2006. [RFC3903] Niemi, A. , â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Event State Publication†, RFC 3903, October 2004. How to cite What Is Sip Trunk, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Violence Psychiatric Departments Proposed †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Violence In Psychiatric Departments Proposed? Answer: Introducation Nurses working in the psychiatric departments have to face a large number of issues in their workplace because of the aggression of the patients. Often in many cases, nurses have complained of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse as well as verbal abuse from the patients. All of these create stress which leads to degradation of nurses physical health and also emotional stability. Not only physical harm, such nurses also has to go through various mental harassments which result in emotional turmoil. They suffer from anxiety disorders, depression and many other mental disorders. Stevenson et al. (2015) has stated that more than 55% of the nurses are victims of verbal or emotional abuse, 19.5% experienced sexual abuse and 20.3% reported physical abuse in their shifts. Latta et al. (2016) has stated that a high prevalence of the different violent events have a very negative impact on the well being of the different nurses which in turn result in the overall impairment of the war d climate. They are also of the operations that nurse use very limited techniques for prevention of such violent incidences. (Maguire, Daffren Martin 2014). Different recommendations have been put forward by researchers which they believe can bring out techniques for preventions of such violence on patients. Yang et al., (2017) has stated in his study that such violence can be prevented by development of de-escalating skills and effective coping strategies. They also suggest that communication skills are also important for the prevention of the violence. Gaynes, Brown and Lux et al., (2016) have stated that reduction of the use of medical restraints and seclusion and increasing the alternative methods like proper leadership towards organization changes, proper use of data for informing changes, development of workforce , debriefing techniques and other can also reduce aggression. Although various researchers have given forward different prevention techniques but very few papers have actually researched over the efficiency of the techniques. Moreover no papers are present which have provided importance to what the nurses think about the techniques. As the nurses are the one who would be mainly using the techniques, it becomes extremely important to know whether they perceive the techniques to be helpful or not. It is also important to know whether the techniques are difficult for them to adopt or not. Moreover there should be also researches to know whether nurses themselves have any recommendations which would help them in preventing such violence. Therefore a research needs to be conducted which would help to know about the perceptions of nurses regarding the credibility and success rates of the prevention techniques. It would also want their recommendations that whether they find these techniques easier to adopt than said. Once the research gap identified i s properly researched and nurses perceptions about the different techniques are identified, it would become easier for the organization to introduce such techniques for the new nurses entering the mental health department. This would prevent them from development of any physical or mental impact and can take active prevention steps against aggression and violence displayed by patients. The aim of the study would be to discuss the nurses perception of the different prevention techniques of aggression and violence from the patients at workplace developed by different researchers and also explores their recommendations about the correct procedures which they think would be helpful for them in protecting themselves from aggression. Study objective: To discuss the different prevention techniques with the mental healthcare nurses. To explore their perceptions about the success rates of the different techniques with the nurses To explore their perceptions about which techniques they found to be fruitful. To understand how difficult they perceive each technique to be accustomed with or to practice them. To understand what they recommend the organization to implement for helping them as well as the nee nurses who would be entering the ward. Research question: What are the different perceptions that the nurses have about the different recommended prevention techniques for aggression and violence put forwarded by researchers over the years and whether they have any of their own suggested technique that they feel would act as successful preventive strategy for aggression? Research design and rationale: An interpretive descriptive approach is adopted for the research in the form of an inductive method of qualitative research style. This research would mainly involve development of a descriptive process and would further help to discover the potential associations of the nurses perceptions of aggression and the recommended preventive strategies which had been suggested by researchers over the years. For example, this method is helpful as it would help in forming a connecting link between the potential associations of work stress of the nurses with the aggression of the patients and will also state the effects of the different recommended techniques. They would also suggest their own recommendations for prevention of aggression which in the long run will help to develop the quality of care provided by them. Including their perspectives would make them feel respected and they would feel that the organization cares for them. Hence, a descriptive qualitative method would best suit to mee t the goals and objectives of the research by the following procedures mentioned (Guay, Goncalves Boyer 2016). Therefore an extensive interview would be taken after proper selection of participants. The data would be coded with proper procedures and the transcripts will be judged on the basis of grounded theory. Ultimately, codes which are repeated frequently will be analyzed before reaching a conclusion. Research methodology: The participants were selected from 4 mental healthcare settings from their psychiatric departmental wards. 5 participants from each of the mental health care centers would be taken and will be purposively selected. The nurses will be selected as such that they would have four important inclusion criteria. They would be (1) fluent in English, (2)holder of license of registered nurses in their territory (3)employed for ongoing eight years as registered nurses in the department of psychiatry in acute cares, (4) experience any one type of aggression and abuses form patients (Stuart 2014). Those nurses who are engaged on any sort of legal proceeding would be excluded. This is because they are not allowed to participate themselves in any discussions of their alleged experiences. The strategies that would be incorporated would be convenience sampling of the nurses in each of the mental healthcare centers. The sample should be such that all the 20 nurses who would e selected would portray a t least each different types of abuses and violence they faced at the hands of the patients Conducting the interview: The interview will be conducted with the nurses in face to face interaction mode. Open ended questionnaires need to be prepared by the researchers. This mode of questionnaire would give scopes to the participants to discuss their feelings and perceptions about their work stress in details (Angland, Dowling Casey 2014). Care should be taken that the same questions should be used for every participants so that the interviews can develop an understanding about the perception of the nurses in each questions and thereby able to derive various views in every single questions. This will help to understand how each topic is variously looked upon by different nurses. Data collection: The primary data should be collected from the semi structured interviews in order to gain understanding about the views of the nurses regarding preventive strategies for violence at workplace. Secondary data collection would mainly involve defining the problems as well as conducting a needs analysis. The answers which will be provided by the nurses will be quickly jotted down in files (Marshall Rossman 2014). The data will be collected by writing as well as with the help of tape recorders so that even missed out points can be recollected. Two participants will be interviewed per day. Therefore 20 participants would require a total of 10 days to complete the interview sessions. Data analysis: The interviews would be audio taped as well as written. Subsequently, they would be imported into NVIVO 10 which is a software program for conducting qualitative data analysis (Houghton et al. 2013). Data would be mainly analyzed by inductively utilizing the conventional content analysis approach. In this, the data will be at first gathered. After that they would be coded in to emergent themes. The thematic data which would be obtained would then constantly undergo several revisions even after initial coding is done. When the coding process would be continued, a constant comparative process would be used. This would be done to compare each of the ideas they suggest about the prevention techniques and then identification of the overall conceptions of the use of such techniques in the working field. Interpretations of the data would then go through thoughtful clinical test in order to ensure that the findings are reviewed by other researchers as well as educators who are experts in psy chiatry (Dicenso, Guyatt Colliska 2014). This would help in determination of whether the results were plausible. Significance of the study: The successful completion of the research would help the researchers to get a detailed idea about how the different techniques introduced by the researchers like de-escalating techniques, development of effective communication, application of calm environments and many others are perceived by the nurses. As the nurses are those who are engaged directly with the patients, they would be the best judges to determine the success rates of the techniques. Therefore, their perceptions about the techniques matter a lot as their interview answers will be used by the policy makers of the organization to implement the techniques which they think would be helpful. In this way, the research would be helpful to derive the techniques which the nurses found easier to adapt and also those which can be implemented due to its increased success rates. These would prevent the nurses from developing physical and mental health issues and also at the same time, they would be able to help the new nurses to p rotect them from the harmful effects of aggression. Ethical considerations: Maintaining the ethics while conducting the research is very important and hence care should be taken by the interviewers that they have completed each of the ethical principles properly. The most important ethics is to maintain privacy and confidentiality of the interviews with the nurses so that the information and data do not get leaked (Lewis 2015). For this reason, all the recorded data would be kept in locker and properly locked so that they do not reach the hand of others. Secondly, the participants would be told the main motive of the study and the different procedures the researchers are adapting to (Elo et al. 2014). This would be written on paper and signed by the participants so that no legal obligations can rise later. The patients should not be kept in darkness regarding any fact. Thirdly, no participants would be forced to recall or discuss anything which they do not want to disclose to the researchers (Vaimorardi, Turunen Bondas 2013). They would only discuss their f eelings as long as they are comfortable and want to participate in the interview voluntarily. Timeframes: Task And Time 1st week (2nd-4th) week (5th-7th)Week (8th-10th) week (11th -16th) week (17th -20th)week (21th-23th) week 24th week 25th week 26th Week Background Literature Review Research Methodology Design of Data Collection and Methods Data Collection Data Analysis and Presentation Conclusion and Recommendations Proof- Reading Sending First Draft to Supervisor Printing, Binding and Submission Members Description Amount Space allocated for conducting research work Rent $5000 (If permitted within university, it would become free) Researchers working under the project, performing coding, categorisation Salary, supervision $10000 Education resources Log books, online article access, printing and photocopying $1000 Fund allocated for technicians helping in the software mediated processes of coding Salary $10000 Communication with the clinic and taking proper arrangement of the interview rooms Allocation of the resources, tape recorder, making rooms sound proof $1000 Equipments and stationeries Instruments for measurement, tracking system, pens, papers, $1500 Others $1000 Total $41500 References: Angland, S., Dowling, M., Casey, D. 2014. Nurses perceptions of the factors which cause violence and aggression in the management department: a qualitative stu y.International emergency nursing,Vol. 22 No.(3), pp 134-139. Creswell, J. W., Poth, C. N. 2017.Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications. DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G., Ciliska, D. 2014.Evidence-Based Nursing-E-Book: A Guide to Clinical Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Elo, S., Kriinen, M., Kanste, O., Plkki, T., Utriainen, K., Kyngs, H. 2014. Qualitative content analysis: A focus on trustworthiness.Sage Open,Vol 4 No. (1), pp 213-220. Flick, U. 2014.An introduction to qualitative research. Sage. Gaynes, B. N., Brown, C., Lux, L. J., Brownley, K., Van Dorn, R., Edlund, M., ... Viswanathan, M. 2016. Strategies To De-escalate Aggressive Behavior in Psychiatric Patients. Guay, S., Goncalves, J., Boyer, R. 2016, August. Evaluation of an Education and Training Program to Prevent and Manage Patients Violence in a Mental Health Setting: A Pretest-Posttest Intervention Study. InHealthcare Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 49. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Houghton, C., Casey, D., Shaw, D., Murphy, K. 2013. Rigour in qualitative case-study research.Nurse researcher,Vol 20 No (4), pp 12-17. Lantta, T., Anttila, M., Kontio, R., Adams, C. E., Vlimki, M. 2016. Violent events, ward climate and ideas for violence prevention among nurses in psychiatric wards: a focus group study.International journal of mental health systems,Vol 10 no (1), pp27. Lewis, S. 2015. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches.Health promotion practice,Vol :16 No (4), pp 473-475. Maguire, T., Daffern, M., Martin, T. 2014. Exploring nurses' and patients' perspectives of limit setting in a forensic mental health setting.International journal of mental health nursing,Vol 23 No (2), pp 153-160. Marshall, C., Rossman, G. B. 2014.Designing qualitative research. Sage publications. Stevenson, K. N., Jack, S. M., OMara, L., LeGris, J. 2015. Registered nurses experiences of patient violence on acute care psychiatric inpatient units: an interpretive descriptive study.BMC nursing, Vol 14 No (1), pp-35. Stuart, G. W. 2014.Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Vaismoradi, M., Turunen, H., Bondas, T. 2013. Content analysis and thematic analysis: Implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study.Nursing health sciences,Vol 15 No (3), pp. 398-405. Yang, B. X., Stone, T. E., Petrini, M. A., Morris, D. L. 2017. Incidence, Type, Related Factors, and Effect of Workplace Violence on Mental Health Nurses: A Cross-sectional Survey.Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Bill Clinton Essay Research Paper Bill ClintonBill free essay sample
Bill Clinton Essay, Research Paper Bill Clinton Bill Clinton was born as William Jefferson Blythe III in Hope, Arkansas on August 19, 1946. He is still alive and presently serves as the president of the United States. Clinton s male parent was killed in a auto accident three months before he was born. His female parent, Virginia, was forced to go forth immature William to be brought up by his grandparents while she pursued a calling in nursing. In 1950 Clinton s female parent got married to a auto salesman named Roger Clinton. Bill was so influenced by his measure father that he changed his name to Clinton. As a child Bill Clinton was determined to be successful. He maintained good classs in school and played a outstanding function in the school set. He won foremost chair in the province set saxophone subdivision, and was selected to be a delegate in the American Legion Boy s Nation plan in Washington DC. We will write a custom essay sample on Bill Clinton Essay Research Paper Bill ClintonBill or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While in the state s capital at the age of 16, he went to the White House and was able to agitate the president s manus. This brush with President Kennedy inspired Clinton to come in a life of Politics. As a male child William memorized Dr. King s # 8220 ; I have a dream address under his ain agreement because he found the traveling address to typify one of the state s strongest ends ; equality. Clinton so graduated from Georgetown University with a grade in international personal businesss. He became a Rhodes bookman and studied at Yale and Oxford. He graduated jurisprudence school in 1972 and went to learn jurisprudence at the University of Arkansas. William married Hilary Rodham Clinton on October 11, 1975, and in 1976 he was elected lawyer general of Arkansas. Two old ages subsequently William became the youngest U.S. governor at age 32. On February 27, 1980 Clinton s girl, Chelsea Victoria, was born. William was elected the 40 2nd president of the United provinces on November 3, 1992. Clinton was the youngest president since Kennedy and was besides the first president born after World War II. In his run, he promised revenue enhancement cuts for the in-between category, revenue enhancement additions for the wealthy, wellness attention reforms, and decreases in defence disbursement. His run besides offered good alteration in America and focused on the economic system and unemployment every bit good. During his inaugural address, Clinton radius of the ideals of America ; # 8220 ; Each coevals of Americans must specify what it means to be an American. # 8221 ; After going the first Democratic president in 13 old ages, Clinton failed to ordain the health-care reforms promised, which caused him to lose many protagonists. His engagement in the Whitewater affair didn t help his status either. However in 1996, Clinton proposed a number of favorable plans that helped the American people. Among these were his deficit reduction plan which reduced the national debt by half, but at the same time significantly reduced the number of government employees. Other beneficial plans proposed by Clinton that aided him in becoming reelected include the college loan payback plan, and the Family and Medical Leave Act. While speaking on July 4 Clinton reveals that â€Å"America is a work in process.†Although Clinton majored in foreign affairs, he had many difficulties with other countries during his presidency, however; he did prove to be contributive in several foreign incidents. He aided in the persuasion of Haiti s military junta to relinquish power to the elected president. He granted loans to Mexico, north Korea, and many other countries in need of assistance. Clinton also deployed troops in Kuwait in response to Iraq s th reats to invasion. They were to keep the peace and enforce the no-fly zone. Later, in combined efforts with other countries affiliated with the United Nations, Clinton ordered an air-strike against Iraq due to Heussien s refusal to admit UN inspections teams into his nuclear facilities. After being reelected to a second term in the oval office, Clinton still made valuable contributions. With congress, he passed a major tax cut and won an increase in minimum wage. Clinton also sponsored a welfare reform bill, and helped produce a thirty percent reduction in unemployment. Throughout his presidency, Clinton promoted European unity, and acted as a peace mediator between many countries, especially Palestine and Israel. Due to suspected sexual involvement with White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, Clinton was forced to testify; he firmly stated â€Å"I did not have sexual relations with that woman.†After supportive evidence was produced, Clinton did admit to having an â€Å"inappr opriate relationship†with Lewinsky. Four charges including; perjury, abuse of power, and obstruction of justice were brought to the House of Representatives against Clinton. The charges of perjury and obstruction of justice were approved, which led Clinton to be the only president besides Andrew Jackson to become impeached, however he was not removed from office or censured. Throughout the trial, public approval of Clinton remained high. Clinton continues to be successful as the president and plans to retire with his family to upstate New York so his wife Hilary can run for governor.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Parts I-IV Essays - Free Essays
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Parts I-IV Essays - Free Essays "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," Parts I-IV Summary Three young men are walking together to a wedding, when one of them is detained by a grizzled old sailor. The young Wedding-Guest angrily demands that the Mariner let go of him, and the Mariner obeys. But the young man is transfixed by the ancient Mariner's "glittering eye" and can do nothing but sit on a stone and listen to his strange tale. The Mariner says that he sailed on a ship out of his native harbor"below the kirk, below the hill, / Below the lighthouse top"and into a sunny and cheerful sea. Hearing bassoon music drifting from the direction of the wedding, the Wedding-Guest imagines that the bride has entered the hall, but he is still helpless to tear himself from the Mariner's story. The Mariner recalls that the voyage quickly darkened, as a giant storm rose up in the sea and chased the ship southward. Quickly, the ship came to a frigid land "of mist and snow," where "ice, mast-high, came floating by"; the ship was hemmed inside this maze of ice. But then the sailors encountered an Albatross, a great sea bird. As it flew around the ship, the ice cracked and split, and a wind from the south propelled the ship out of the frigid regions, into a foggy stretch of water. The Albatross followed behind it, a symbol of good luck to the sailors. A pained look crosses the Mariner's face, and the Wedding- Guest asks him, "Why look'st thou so?" The Mariner confesses that he shot and killed the Albatross with his crossbow. At first, the other sailors were furious with the Mariner for having killed the bird that made the breezes blow. But when the fog lifted soon afterward, the sailors decided that the bird had actually brought not the breezes but the fog; they now congratulated the Mariner on his deed. The wind pushed the ship into a silent sea where the sailors were quickly stranded; the winds died down, and the ship was "As idle as a painted ship / Upon a painted ocean." The ocean thickened, and the men had no water to drink; as if the sea were rotting, slimy creatures crawled out of it and walked across the surface. At night, the water burned green, blue, and white with death fire. Some of the sailors dreamed that a spirit, nine fathoms deep, followed them beneath the ship from the land of mist and snow. The sailors blamed the Mariner for their plight and hung the corpse of the Albatross around his neck like a cross. A weary time passed; the sailors became so parched, their mouths so dry, that they were unable to speak. But one day, gazing westward, the Mariner saw a tiny speck on the horizon. It resolved into a ship, moving toward them. Too dry-mouthed to speak out and inform the other sailors, the Mariner bit down on his arm; sucking the blood, he was able to moisten his tongue enough to cry out, "A sail! a sail!" The sailors smiled, believing they were saved. But as the ship neared, they saw that it was a ghostly, skeletal hull of a ship and that its crew included two figures: Death and the Night-mare Life-in-Death, who takes the form of a pale woman with golden locks and red lips, and "thicks man's blood with cold." Death and Life-in-Death began to throw dice, and the woman won, whereupon she whistled three times, causing the sun to sink to the horizon, the stars to instantly emerge. As the moon rose, chased by a single star, the sailors dropped dead one by oneall except the Mariner, whom each sailor cursed "with his eye" before dying. The souls of the dead men leapt from their bodies and rushed by the Mariner. The Wedding-Guest declares that he fears the Mariner, with his glittering eye and his skinny hand. The Mariner reassures the Wedding-Guest that there is no need for dread; he was not among the men who died, and he is a living man, not a ghost. Alone on the ship, surrounded by two hundred corpses, the Mariner was surrounded by the slimy sea and the slimy creatures that crawled across its surface. He tried to pray but was deterred by a "wicked whisper" that made his heart "as dry as dust." He closed his eyes, unable to bear the sight of the dead men, each of who glared at him with the malice of their final curse. For seven days and
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
A critical, cross-cultural Evaluation of a Journal Essay
A critical, cross-cultural Evaluation of a Journal - Essay Example Pitfalls through misunderstandings or misinterpretation of intent can easily lead to the collapse of a potentially successful business partnership or cooperation – the article by Moon and Woolliams looks at how these cultural differences may be interpreted and what approach to take when working with people from different cultural backgrounds. Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner compiled a database with 50,000 cases from 100 different countries to investigate the cultural differences in work ethics around the world and to assist managers in solving conflicts in cross-cultural business scenarios (1993 and 1998). The database was extended in 1999 in order to investigate and help solve problems arising from cross cultural misunderstandings. One of the objectives of the database was to formulate a global theory for international business ethics but the compiled data and scenarios question whether that would be a possible achievement or whether it would even be a desirable outcome, given the vast differences in business ethics in different cultures. For the purpose of their study Trompenaars and Woolliams selected 40,000 cases from 60 different countries and presented a questionnaire with 58 questions to managers with exposure to multi cultural scenarios at their workplace. The researchers took great care to ensure that translation of texts conveyed the same meaning in all languages used in the research and ensured that participants understood that the research was independent and that anonymity was guaranteed to all participants to promote frank and open answers to all scenarios. The reliability of the data results was tested using Cronbach’s Alpha test (a test developed to estimate the consistency reliability of psychometric tests). It became clear that responses varied depending on the cultural background of the participants. Answers varied in particular where they were given in response to
Monday, February 3, 2020
The laws regarding homicide are an unsatisfactory collection of rules Essay
The laws regarding homicide are an unsatisfactory collection of rules which are unclear and which do not set appropriate leve - Essay Example This paper’s aim is to point out some of the major problems and errors that is contained in the homicide law. The first section will be looking at the definition of the homicide and also some of the legislative areas that is covered under the homicide law. The second section will entirely deal with the defects and problems in the homicide law. The third area will briefly look at the legal framework of the said areas and the suggested statutory reforms that can be implemented on the homicide law in Britain. When looking at the word ‘homicide’ in this essay the terms of reference will be in reference to the relationship between the law of murder and the law relating to homicide especially on manslaughter. The definition of murder can be borrowed from classic definition of Sir Edward Coke in 1797: â€Å"Murder is when a man of a sound memory, and of the age of discretion, unlawfully killeth within any country of the realm any reasonable creature in rerum natura unde r the King’s peace, with malice aforethought, either expressed by the party or implied by law, so as the party wounded, or hurt, etc. die of the wound or hurt, etc. within a year and a day after the same.†2 For the purposes of convenience in this paper, the definition of homicide will imply the unlawful killing of a human being by another human being. Under homicide offences, murder is the most serious of all but its reform cannot be reflected upon seclusion without the inclusion from the other homicide offences. Under Actus Reus there are four ways in which it can be implemented. 1. UNLAWFUL KILLING When the killing is unlawful there are certain defences that will make the killing lawful for example in the case of self defence. Should the jury find the killing was under self defence; then the killing will be lawful. This will only be possible if the act or omission of the defendant is thought to be legal cause of the victim’s death. Therefore the causation in su ch a situation must be established. 2. HUMAN BEING Should the killing occur then it must be the killing of a human being who was living. 3. QUEEN'S PEACE This means that the killing of an enemy during the course of war, under the Queen’s peace, the killing will not be classified as murder. 4. DEATH WITHIN A YEAR AND A DAY The killing ought to have been committed within the year and a day for it to be placed under homicide in particular.3 1. MALICE AFORETHOUGHT The mens rea in case of murder is usually malice aforethought. R v Moloney [1985] AC 905 4 (a) Intention to kill When it comes to murder there is always a specific intention for this crime to be committed. The intention might vary accordingly for example in this context the intention might be direct intention or even oblique intention. The direct intention implies that the situation of the defendant desired death in the first place while under oblique intent it means that the death of the defendant was foreseen as not c ertain although the defendant did not desire the death. The most recent authority on intention is: R v Woollin (1998) The Times, July 23.5 (b) Intention to cause Grievous Bodily Harm (g.b.h) An intention to cause grievous bodily harm is evidenced when there is willingness for acceptance of a substantial risk that the victim in this case might actually die: R v Vickers [1957] 2 QB 664: 6 In England and Wales the law being used
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Analyze Psychological Impact Of Television Media Essay
Analyze Psychological Impact Of Television Media Essay The aim of this paper is to analyze psychological impact of television. This paper claims that television has mostly negative impact on our lives. Although there might be some advantages of television, we should spend less time in front of it for several reasons: television is addictive, watching television has a negative influence on our behavior, television negatively influences childrens socialization, and watching television undermines important aspects of family. First, it must be said that television is rather addictive. The average American spends about 4 hours a day watching television( Condry 31), with older adults watching the most of any age group; even teenagers, who watch the least amount of television, still spend an average of nearly 24 hours a week in front of the TV set (Condry 31). The term television addiction, according to Mcilwraith first appeared in the popular press bolstered only by anecdotal evidence, but it gained widespread acceptance among parents, educators, and journalists (371). Television consumes large amounts of people time. Addicted people watch TV longer and usually more often than they wanted and their efforts to cut down their TV watching are often unsuccessful. According to Mcilwraith, people very often gave up important activities (social, family, or occupational) just to watch television. television addiction is defined as heavy television watching that is subjectively experienced as being to some extent in voluntary, displacing more productive activities, and difficult to stop or curtail (371). Condry states that it is unclear the extent to which individuals use television, like a drug, to change their affective state (114). People certainly claim this to be the case when asked about why they watch television. Most people say they use television for escape and relaxation. They use television to unwind, and that it the reason why watching television is rather addictive (Condry 114). This ability to use television for ones own purposes, as an unwinder, for example, raises another important series of questions about the degree of choice available to most viewers. Individuals with cable, or better yet, with a video recorder, should be more able to use television as an unwinder because they have a wider selection of material to choose from. Each person knows him or herself better than any other, we know what turns us on and what might best unwind us. No one has studied it yet, but those with more choice should be better able to accomplish this than those without (Condry 115). Second, watching television has a negative impact on our behavior. Television influences human behavior because there are mechanisms whereby the content of television which can have an effect on what we do and on how we act (Condry 120). According to Condry: Part of televisions influence comes about because of how we learn (by observation and imitation), because of how we respond to certain kinds of story material (arousal/desensitization), and because of the structure of our inhibitions and the way television provides the kind of stimulation necessary to release them (121). Condry calls these behavioral mechanisms, because for the most part the influence was shown on some activity (120). Television also influences what we believe and think about the world, and it does so, again, because of our make-up, our psychology. Just as the behavioral effects have behavioral mechanisms, the cognitive effects of television have cognitive mechanisms based on the structure of attitudes, beliefs, and judgments and on the way in which these cognitive structures are acquired (Condry 120). A series of studies provide evidence for a small but significant influence of televisions content on attitudes and beliefs about the real world. Heavy viewers exposed to persistent displays of violence and mayhem on television drama come to believe that the real world incidence of such violence is higher than do light viewers of the same age, sex, education, and social class. Apparently the facts of the world of television tend to slip into the belief and value systems of individuals who are heavy consumers of it (Condry 123). Violence laden television not only cultivates aggressive tendencies in a minority but, perhaps more importantly, also generates a pervasive and exaggerated sense of danger and mistrust. Heavy viewers revealed a significantly higher sense of personal risk and suspicion than did light viewers in the same demographic groups who were exposed to the same real risks of life (Condry 123). Third, watching television affects greatly the process of childrens socialization. Socialization is the process of learning the attitudes, values, and behavior patterns of a given society or group in order to function effectively within it (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey). The aim of socialization is to prepare children for different social roles, including occupational role. We know that children can imitate behavior greatly. Evra notes that even infants as young as 14 months have demonstrated significant and deferred imitation of televised models(79). One of the most important forces in young peoples lives is television, because it provides many additional salient and attractive role models (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey 282). There is much evidence, which shows that young people unconsciously imitate television characters, they learn from the values, beliefs, and behaviors (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey 282). Television shows numerous law firms, hospitals, restaurants, businesses, and de picts people engaged in various work-related activities. Nevertheless, many traditional occupations, and much of what typically takes place during a workday, are not exciting or dramatic enough to be depicted on programs designed primarily to entertain (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey 283). Moreover, according to Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey: television often transmits an inaccurate, stereotypic image of how people behave and communicate in various occupations, and portrays women and ethnic minorities in less glamorous or prestigious occupational roles than white males Television also over-represents law- enforcement and professional positions while under-representing managerial, labor, and service jobs (283). The context for television viewing is a very significant component in childrens television experience. Those children who receive parental comment, input, and supplementary information and interaction have a very different experience of television viewing than those who view alone or with less involved parents. Such differences in the viewing context play an important role in determining the strength and nature of televisions impact. Families differ in their attitudes toward, and in their use of, television; these differences in turn influence childrens understanding and attitudes about the content and its impact on them. Coviewing with siblings and peers can also affect a childs behavioral response to television content. Fourth, television has often been criticized for undermining important aspects of family life by displacing other important family activities (Evra 150). It is interesting to point out that since its development as a commercial vehicle, families have come to accept television as a valuable member of the family (Evra 150). Television viewing with family members is common. Televisions danger lies not so much in the behavior it produces as in the behavior it prevents, such as family talks, games, arguments, and other interactions. Despite the fact that families still do special things together, television diminishes their ordinary daily life together, because it is a regular, scheduled, and rather mechanized daily activity (Evra 151). Poor family communication affects greatly overall family health. Problems and conflicts are caused by the family communication dysfunction. It is necessary to spend time together, having a family meal and turning off the TV can create more opportunities to talk. However, because there is TV, children and parents are distracted from talking, and in such a way suffer communication. Television influences various spheres of family life leisure relations, aesthetic interests and values, consumer behavior patterns, parent-child attitudes and socialization practices (Cohen 103). Television is an accepted, approved and readily accessible source of information, and it both creates and reinforces models of social behavior (style of dress, idiomatic language, attitudes toward sexuality and gender, parent behavior) that define not only individual behavior, but also family behavior (Cohen104
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Analysis of stopping by woods on a snowy evening by robert frost Essay
The poem, â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†by Robert Frost is one that appears rather simple. The speaker is walking through the woods that have been freshly laden in snow. He is admiring the scenery laid before him. Even though he wants to stay and take in more of what he is seeing, he keeps his other duties in mind and how much distance there is left for him to fulfill them and mentions there is a choice he has to make which is considered most suitable. The poem begins with the speaker entering into these woods. He claims to know the owner of the woods but he states that he (the owner) lives in the village and he or anyone else can see him trespassing. The speakers’ horse shows some form of dismay and acts as if he is protesting against his owner when he stops to observe his surroundings, since there is no other form of visible life around. At the very start of the poem it gives a hint that the speaker likes the feeling of being isolated from civilization since the woods have no other houses or people nearby. Since there are no other people around, he seems to be at ease with himself. It’s as though he is taking a break from his hectic lifestyle in these woods. He is momentarily away from all his work, his social life, his regular daily stresses or anything else that might make him unbalanced. He decides to use this opportunity to bond with nature, this shows that the speaker is indeed a nature lover and he cannot help himself but to admire what is seeing. He observes the way the snow is falling and making the trees, land and the lake white and cold. He gets this sense of serenity and simplicity as he gapes on at the act nature makes. The speaker appears to be very kind and caring because he tries to understand what his horse is trying to tell him. It shows that he cares about his horse dearly and he loves it, the same as with nature. There is also the feeling of depression as he is partly drawn back to his reality when the horse alerts him. He thinks about the duties left to be fulfilled and is taken aback. One of the main influential literary techniques Frost uses in this poem is imagery. This poem continually shows that even though he is enjoying his sights, he is always pulled back to his reality. The horse represents his constant reminder of where he is in life and â€Å"the promises he has to keep.†The fact that the horse even questions if it is really necessary for him to stop, â€Å"to ask if there is some mistake,†it shows that the horse is telling him he has places to be. The imagery also shows that the man is questioning whether he should continue his journey or not since he is wary and wants to retire from his life. He is observing his scenery as if he his noting where he is going to die, â€Å"the darkest evening of the year†and â€Å"miles to go before I sleep.†The lines â€Å"†¦lovely, dark and deep†gives the impression that he thinks death is more calming and soothing to his needs and once he dies he will truly be at peace and the woods are drawing him in closer and closer. This form of imagery also gives the woods this mystical nature. However in the end of the poem he chooses to continue on his journey and fulfil his promises and he ignores the temptations of death. In the poem the lines â€Å"†¦frozen lake,†and â€Å"darkest evening of the year,†symbolizes that all is not well in the speakers life. It indicates how dark and cold his life is at the moment. The woods take the role as the symbol of death, especially in the lines â€Å"the woods are lovely, dark and deep.†It is as though the woods have this magnetic force persuading the man to surrender his life. Traces of personification can be noted in this poem where the horse is concerned. In the lines â€Å"my little horse must think it queer,†and â€Å"to ask if there is some mistake,†the horse has been given the human abilities to ask and think about what the man is doing. In the first and third stanzas there are adequate amounts of alliterations that can be observed. For example the constant use of the â€Å"th†in â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.in the village though†and the â€Å"w†in â€Å"Whose woods†¦.he will not †¦..to watch his woods,†in the first stanza create these alliterations. In the first and third stanza the alliteration is created when the excessive use of the â€Å"h†in â€Å"his house†¦.he will not†¦to watch his woods,†and â€Å"he gives his harness bells a shake.†In the end of the poem there is a main metaphor, â€Å"and miles to go before I sleep,†this metaphor means that the speaker is trying to complete his tasks before he dies. Sleep often represents death and the miles would represent his journey until he reaches his final destination in this life. The style of â€Å"Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening†makes it easy to read the poem; it gives it a natural flow. Frost writes the poem in the iambic tetrameter (four feet). For example, Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. The rhyme scheme of each stanza is continuous and flows in the order of A, A, B, A. it introduces a new rhyme on the third line of each stanza. Even though this poem appears to be simple it contains a few surprises for its readers. It exposes how desperate a person can be in order to seek some form of pleasure in their life. It shows how many people take the beauty of nature for granted, it helps to demonstrate how big of an effect harmonizing with nature can have on us. The illusions of life can be clear to the mind once given the opportunity. While the speaker was observing the woods he felt relief and a form of unknown happiness which he clearly longs for. It shows that if he does nothing to help himself in this life he will not know true happiness anytime soon unless he gets out and fulfills it. This theme of choices in life is common to the usual work of Robert Frost. Many of his poems are affiliated with the life and landscape of New England and this one is no different. Frost, an American poet who wrote in the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries, he usually uses nature and vivid imagery to bring across his points and the messages in his poems. His work encourages us not to give up when we think life has no real meaning or purpose anymore, but that we do in fact have plenty to live for even though we may get wary. It is always better to experience your own happiness rather than to observe someone else’s at a distance. Works Cited Shmoop Editorial Team. â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Rhyme, Form & Meter†Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 7 Oct. 2013. http://www.shmoop.com/stopping-by-woods-on-a-snowy-evening/rhyme-form-meter.html John Hollander. â€Å"A Close Look at Robert Frost†, Copyright 1998 The Academy of American Poets. Web. 7 Oct. 2013. http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15894
Friday, January 10, 2020
City Life Vs Country Life Essay
There are many different factors to overcome on why city or country living is better. There is a lot to take into consideration because they greatly differ from each other. The fact of the matter is it is a difficult question because there is no right or wrong answer. Everyone is unique and has different preferences. There are positive and negative elements of both scenarios such as the education and job opportunities, Crime and death rates, as well as the environment/lifestyle and the cost of living. Everyone has their own opinion; depending on what you prefer is what makes one â€Å"better†per say. In the city, there are a lot more opportunities in college with a wider variety of degrees and programs to study resulting in more options of fields to pursue in the future. Some of the best schools in the United States are located in the city. Schools in the city have more extracurricular activities and after school clubs because there are more students to participate making it worth holding many activities after school. It gives students more leisure time to enjoy being active rather than going home to watch television on their free time. Job opportunities are also an advantage of living in the city, as there are many corporations, and businesses where there is a higher chance of getting hired most likely with a higher pay too. There are many different jobs fieldsto pursue in the city to fit your criteria. [M]any economists have reported that wages and job opportunities prove best in more densely populated areas. Larger cities typically provide ample opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial ventures, particularly in niche markets (Tigro).There also could be a disadvantage of job searching in the big city, as there are more people someone else may have more experience and a better education making it harder to land a job. School systems in the country are a bit different, schools are much smaller and do not offer as many programs limiting your educ ation. There are not as many colleges which force the students that do want more options for education to go away for school. This ultimately ends up costing much more; having to pay for housing, out of state tuition’s, and everything else that comes with living away from home. see more:disadvantages of living in the countryside There is indeed an advantage of education in the country,which is a smaller classroom size.This gives a better student-teacher relationship and there is more one-on-one interaction resulting in a better understanding and more knowledge towards their studies. Job descriptions and duties can be quiet different then living in the city. In the country a lot of people grow, eat, and sell their own crops and what they don’t have they can trade off with their neighbors, whom do the same. It is a common procedure done in rural areas. Being that malls, restaurants, grocery stores, and the buildings in general are significantly spread apart. There are less job opportunities available and the ones that aremost likely do not have a high pay.The work force in smaller towns may be fueled by local manufacturing plants, nearby corporate headquarters or area colleges and universities. Depending on the location and the enterprise, it could be more difficult to make a small town business prof itable (Tigro). This is why some folksrely on other resources for extra funds. Money in the country is not needed as much as in the city because daily living and expenses are not as much The lifestyle/environment and cost of living of these two places greatly differ as well. The city life is a busy, hyper and an active lifestyle where convenience is at your side most of the time compared to living in the country. Population in the city is much greater so movies, malls, restaurants, grocery stores, and other reliable sources are at easy access because there are so many. This makes it very convenient to live in the city where errands are done much faster and easier and free time activities are right on hand when desired. Public transportation is another advantage of living in the city: there are taxies, buses or train stations on almost every corner in big cities making it easier to get around if you have no means of transportation. Since a lot of places in the city are so close, traveling from place to place does not affect much time in your daily schedule making your day more efficient. To come with all of these advantages, living expenses in the city are a bit high. â€Å"[I]n many urban areas, including Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Boston, wor king families often struggle to find affordable housing. Indeed, the price of housing often gets the most attention when it comes to measuring the cost of city living. Rent and housing prices tend to be significantly higher in urban locations†(Palmer).Having all of these amenities at such close reach is convenient but there is always a downfall. In general, the cities with the lowest real estate prices per square foot were cities that have suffered from poor economic conditions for some time (Sauter). In order to live comfortably in the city, having a well-paid job is a must. The lifestyle and environment in the country has a calm, pure and peaceful scenery where everything is open, there are fewer buildings, minimum cars and people cluttering the area giving you a good sense of freedom and tranquility. Activities are very exciting and thrilling in the country also, consisting of hiking, fishing, horseback riding, four wheeling, plus many more. These fun activities can also be good for your health which is a great benefit too. Living expenses in the country are significantly less compared to the city. One individual that was reluctant to move from the city to the country says 10 years later, â€Å"My mortgage is less, taxes are less, car insurance is less, and our needs are less.†(Childs). There is less income in the country but that comes with fewer expenses. [Y]our cost of living could be 1/2 as much as it is in the city. Therefore, taking a $2-3 cut per hour isn’t such a big deal when you look at the big picture. Crime and death rates should definitely be on your check list when debating where to live, it is entirely up to an individual and what makes them more comfortable as it is something that needs to be looked at carefully, there are both advantages and disadvantages to both places. It is known that in the city there is an alarming higher crime rate. Studies demonstrate: the average annual 1993-98 violent crime rate in urban areas was about 74% higher than the rural rate.This is a disadvantage of living in an urban area in the city where crime is a lot more likely to occur to you or someone you know,this may make it uneasy to be comfortable where you live.Something to look at on the positive side is normally you have people around you for most part of your day because there are s o many individuals that live in the city. This makes it a little less likely for someone to be able to get away with something without someone seeing. Crime rates are just so much higher because there are a lot more people in the city increasing those chances. Crime rates in the country are at a comfortably low rate and for the simple fact that there is a smaller population. This is an advantage of living in the quiet rural areas having a more comfortable state of mind knowing murders, rapes, and other horrible crimes are less likely to arise in your hometown. You would assume that just as crime rates are at low number numbered in the country; deaths from injuries would be as well.Brian Howard of The National Geographic says â€Å"For years, people have moved to the country to escape the dangers of big city life.†In this article a study done by researcher Sage Myers and his team says they attempted to classify deaths from injuries â€Å"across the rural-urban continuum.†They looked at data on 1,295,919 deat hs from injuries in 3,141 U.S. counties from 1999 to 2006. These deaths were caused by car accidents, shootings, falls, drowning, suffocation, and more†¦The researchers found that the risk of death from injury was 1.22 times higher in the most rural counties, compared with the most urban ones. Differences between the life in a city and in the country have many different options to weigh out and there is no right answer because it all depends on one’s personal opinion to decide which lifestyle is the best and how you would prefer to live. There are an extraordinary amount of advantages and disadvantages in education/job opportunities, Crime/death rates, as well as the environment/lifestyle and the cost of living of the two areas. They are both beautiful places in their own way. Work Cited: Childs, Laura. â€Å"Jobs in the country.†. http://www.goodbyecitylife.com/workathome/ruraljobs.htm. Date Accessed: 25 March 2014. Duhart, Detis.†Urban, Suburban, And Rural Victimization, 1993-98.†. http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=812. Date Accessed: 23 March 2014. Howard, Brian. â€Å"Why Cities Are Safer Than Rural Areas: 5 Surprising Facts.†. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/07/130724-surprising-facts-cities-safer-rural-areas-injury-deaths/. Date Accessed: 23 March 2014. Palmer, Kimberly. â€Å"Why You Pay Extra to Live in the City.†. http://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/2012/09/18/why-you-pay-extra-to-live-in-the-city. Date Accessed: 26 March 2014. Sauter, Michael. â€Å"The Ten Most (and Least) Affordable Cities to Buy a Home†. < www.foxbusiness.com>. http://www.foxbusiness.com/investing/2012/04/17/ten-most-and-least-affordable-cities-to-buy-home/
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