Sunday, January 26, 2020
Analyze Psychological Impact Of Television Media Essay
Analyze Psychological Impact Of Television Media Essay The aim of this paper is to analyze psychological impact of television. This paper claims that television has mostly negative impact on our lives. Although there might be some advantages of television, we should spend less time in front of it for several reasons: television is addictive, watching television has a negative influence on our behavior, television negatively influences childrens socialization, and watching television undermines important aspects of family. First, it must be said that television is rather addictive. The average American spends about 4 hours a day watching television( Condry 31), with older adults watching the most of any age group; even teenagers, who watch the least amount of television, still spend an average of nearly 24 hours a week in front of the TV set (Condry 31). The term television addiction, according to Mcilwraith first appeared in the popular press bolstered only by anecdotal evidence, but it gained widespread acceptance among parents, educators, and journalists (371). Television consumes large amounts of people time. Addicted people watch TV longer and usually more often than they wanted and their efforts to cut down their TV watching are often unsuccessful. According to Mcilwraith, people very often gave up important activities (social, family, or occupational) just to watch television. television addiction is defined as heavy television watching that is subjectively experienced as being to some extent in voluntary, displacing more productive activities, and difficult to stop or curtail (371). Condry states that it is unclear the extent to which individuals use television, like a drug, to change their affective state (114). People certainly claim this to be the case when asked about why they watch television. Most people say they use television for escape and relaxation. They use television to unwind, and that it the reason why watching television is rather addictive (Condry 114). This ability to use television for ones own purposes, as an unwinder, for example, raises another important series of questions about the degree of choice available to most viewers. Individuals with cable, or better yet, with a video recorder, should be more able to use television as an unwinder because they have a wider selection of material to choose from. Each person knows him or herself better than any other, we know what turns us on and what might best unwind us. No one has studied it yet, but those with more choice should be better able to accomplish this than those without (Condry 115). Second, watching television has a negative impact on our behavior. Television influences human behavior because there are mechanisms whereby the content of television which can have an effect on what we do and on how we act (Condry 120). According to Condry: Part of televisions influence comes about because of how we learn (by observation and imitation), because of how we respond to certain kinds of story material (arousal/desensitization), and because of the structure of our inhibitions and the way television provides the kind of stimulation necessary to release them (121). Condry calls these behavioral mechanisms, because for the most part the influence was shown on some activity (120). Television also influences what we believe and think about the world, and it does so, again, because of our make-up, our psychology. Just as the behavioral effects have behavioral mechanisms, the cognitive effects of television have cognitive mechanisms based on the structure of attitudes, beliefs, and judgments and on the way in which these cognitive structures are acquired (Condry 120). A series of studies provide evidence for a small but significant influence of televisions content on attitudes and beliefs about the real world. Heavy viewers exposed to persistent displays of violence and mayhem on television drama come to believe that the real world incidence of such violence is higher than do light viewers of the same age, sex, education, and social class. Apparently the facts of the world of television tend to slip into the belief and value systems of individuals who are heavy consumers of it (Condry 123). Violence laden television not only cultivates aggressive tendencies in a minority but, perhaps more importantly, also generates a pervasive and exaggerated sense of danger and mistrust. Heavy viewers revealed a significantly higher sense of personal risk and suspicion than did light viewers in the same demographic groups who were exposed to the same real risks of life (Condry 123). Third, watching television affects greatly the process of childrens socialization. Socialization is the process of learning the attitudes, values, and behavior patterns of a given society or group in order to function effectively within it (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey). The aim of socialization is to prepare children for different social roles, including occupational role. We know that children can imitate behavior greatly. Evra notes that even infants as young as 14 months have demonstrated significant and deferred imitation of televised models(79). One of the most important forces in young peoples lives is television, because it provides many additional salient and attractive role models (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey 282). There is much evidence, which shows that young people unconsciously imitate television characters, they learn from the values, beliefs, and behaviors (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey 282). Television shows numerous law firms, hospitals, restaurants, businesses, and de picts people engaged in various work-related activities. Nevertheless, many traditional occupations, and much of what typically takes place during a workday, are not exciting or dramatic enough to be depicted on programs designed primarily to entertain (Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey 283). Moreover, according to Hoffner, Levine, and Toohey: television often transmits an inaccurate, stereotypic image of how people behave and communicate in various occupations, and portrays women and ethnic minorities in less glamorous or prestigious occupational roles than white males Television also over-represents law- enforcement and professional positions while under-representing managerial, labor, and service jobs (283). The context for television viewing is a very significant component in childrens television experience. Those children who receive parental comment, input, and supplementary information and interaction have a very different experience of television viewing than those who view alone or with less involved parents. Such differences in the viewing context play an important role in determining the strength and nature of televisions impact. Families differ in their attitudes toward, and in their use of, television; these differences in turn influence childrens understanding and attitudes about the content and its impact on them. Coviewing with siblings and peers can also affect a childs behavioral response to television content. Fourth, television has often been criticized for undermining important aspects of family life by displacing other important family activities (Evra 150). It is interesting to point out that since its development as a commercial vehicle, families have come to accept television as a valuable member of the family (Evra 150). Television viewing with family members is common. Televisions danger lies not so much in the behavior it produces as in the behavior it prevents, such as family talks, games, arguments, and other interactions. Despite the fact that families still do special things together, television diminishes their ordinary daily life together, because it is a regular, scheduled, and rather mechanized daily activity (Evra 151). Poor family communication affects greatly overall family health. Problems and conflicts are caused by the family communication dysfunction. It is necessary to spend time together, having a family meal and turning off the TV can create more opportunities to talk. However, because there is TV, children and parents are distracted from talking, and in such a way suffer communication. Television influences various spheres of family life leisure relations, aesthetic interests and values, consumer behavior patterns, parent-child attitudes and socialization practices (Cohen 103). Television is an accepted, approved and readily accessible source of information, and it both creates and reinforces models of social behavior (style of dress, idiomatic language, attitudes toward sexuality and gender, parent behavior) that define not only individual behavior, but also family behavior (Cohen104
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Analysis of stopping by woods on a snowy evening by robert frost Essay
The poem, â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†by Robert Frost is one that appears rather simple. The speaker is walking through the woods that have been freshly laden in snow. He is admiring the scenery laid before him. Even though he wants to stay and take in more of what he is seeing, he keeps his other duties in mind and how much distance there is left for him to fulfill them and mentions there is a choice he has to make which is considered most suitable. The poem begins with the speaker entering into these woods. He claims to know the owner of the woods but he states that he (the owner) lives in the village and he or anyone else can see him trespassing. The speakers’ horse shows some form of dismay and acts as if he is protesting against his owner when he stops to observe his surroundings, since there is no other form of visible life around. At the very start of the poem it gives a hint that the speaker likes the feeling of being isolated from civilization since the woods have no other houses or people nearby. Since there are no other people around, he seems to be at ease with himself. It’s as though he is taking a break from his hectic lifestyle in these woods. He is momentarily away from all his work, his social life, his regular daily stresses or anything else that might make him unbalanced. He decides to use this opportunity to bond with nature, this shows that the speaker is indeed a nature lover and he cannot help himself but to admire what is seeing. He observes the way the snow is falling and making the trees, land and the lake white and cold. He gets this sense of serenity and simplicity as he gapes on at the act nature makes. The speaker appears to be very kind and caring because he tries to understand what his horse is trying to tell him. It shows that he cares about his horse dearly and he loves it, the same as with nature. There is also the feeling of depression as he is partly drawn back to his reality when the horse alerts him. He thinks about the duties left to be fulfilled and is taken aback. One of the main influential literary techniques Frost uses in this poem is imagery. This poem continually shows that even though he is enjoying his sights, he is always pulled back to his reality. The horse represents his constant reminder of where he is in life and â€Å"the promises he has to keep.†The fact that the horse even questions if it is really necessary for him to stop, â€Å"to ask if there is some mistake,†it shows that the horse is telling him he has places to be. The imagery also shows that the man is questioning whether he should continue his journey or not since he is wary and wants to retire from his life. He is observing his scenery as if he his noting where he is going to die, â€Å"the darkest evening of the year†and â€Å"miles to go before I sleep.†The lines â€Å"†¦lovely, dark and deep†gives the impression that he thinks death is more calming and soothing to his needs and once he dies he will truly be at peace and the woods are drawing him in closer and closer. This form of imagery also gives the woods this mystical nature. However in the end of the poem he chooses to continue on his journey and fulfil his promises and he ignores the temptations of death. In the poem the lines â€Å"†¦frozen lake,†and â€Å"darkest evening of the year,†symbolizes that all is not well in the speakers life. It indicates how dark and cold his life is at the moment. The woods take the role as the symbol of death, especially in the lines â€Å"the woods are lovely, dark and deep.†It is as though the woods have this magnetic force persuading the man to surrender his life. Traces of personification can be noted in this poem where the horse is concerned. In the lines â€Å"my little horse must think it queer,†and â€Å"to ask if there is some mistake,†the horse has been given the human abilities to ask and think about what the man is doing. In the first and third stanzas there are adequate amounts of alliterations that can be observed. For example the constant use of the â€Å"th†in â€Å"Whose woods these are I think I know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.in the village though†and the â€Å"w†in â€Å"Whose woods†¦.he will not †¦ watch his woods,†in the first stanza create these alliterations. In the first and third stanza the alliteration is created when the excessive use of the â€Å"h†in â€Å"his house†¦.he will not†¦to watch his woods,†and â€Å"he gives his harness bells a shake.†In the end of the poem there is a main metaphor, â€Å"and miles to go before I sleep,†this metaphor means that the speaker is trying to complete his tasks before he dies. Sleep often represents death and the miles would represent his journey until he reaches his final destination in this life. The style of â€Å"Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening†makes it easy to read the poem; it gives it a natural flow. Frost writes the poem in the iambic tetrameter (four feet). For example, Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. The rhyme scheme of each stanza is continuous and flows in the order of A, A, B, A. it introduces a new rhyme on the third line of each stanza. Even though this poem appears to be simple it contains a few surprises for its readers. It exposes how desperate a person can be in order to seek some form of pleasure in their life. It shows how many people take the beauty of nature for granted, it helps to demonstrate how big of an effect harmonizing with nature can have on us. The illusions of life can be clear to the mind once given the opportunity. While the speaker was observing the woods he felt relief and a form of unknown happiness which he clearly longs for. It shows that if he does nothing to help himself in this life he will not know true happiness anytime soon unless he gets out and fulfills it. This theme of choices in life is common to the usual work of Robert Frost. Many of his poems are affiliated with the life and landscape of New England and this one is no different. Frost, an American poet who wrote in the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries, he usually uses nature and vivid imagery to bring across his points and the messages in his poems. His work encourages us not to give up when we think life has no real meaning or purpose anymore, but that we do in fact have plenty to live for even though we may get wary. It is always better to experience your own happiness rather than to observe someone else’s at a distance. Works Cited Shmoop Editorial Team. â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Rhyme, Form & Meter† Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 7 Oct. 2013. John Hollander. â€Å"A Close Look at Robert Frost†, Copyright 1998 The Academy of American Poets. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.
Friday, January 10, 2020
City Life Vs Country Life Essay
There are many different factors to overcome on why city or country living is better. There is a lot to take into consideration because they greatly differ from each other. The fact of the matter is it is a difficult question because there is no right or wrong answer. Everyone is unique and has different preferences. There are positive and negative elements of both scenarios such as the education and job opportunities, Crime and death rates, as well as the environment/lifestyle and the cost of living. Everyone has their own opinion; depending on what you prefer is what makes one â€Å"better†per say. In the city, there are a lot more opportunities in college with a wider variety of degrees and programs to study resulting in more options of fields to pursue in the future. Some of the best schools in the United States are located in the city. Schools in the city have more extracurricular activities and after school clubs because there are more students to participate making it worth holding many activities after school. It gives students more leisure time to enjoy being active rather than going home to watch television on their free time. Job opportunities are also an advantage of living in the city, as there are many corporations, and businesses where there is a higher chance of getting hired most likely with a higher pay too. There are many different jobs fieldsto pursue in the city to fit your criteria. [M]any economists have reported that wages and job opportunities prove best in more densely populated areas. Larger cities typically provide ample opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial ventures, particularly in niche markets (Tigro).There also could be a disadvantage of job searching in the big city, as there are more people someone else may have more experience and a better education making it harder to land a job. School systems in the country are a bit different, schools are much smaller and do not offer as many programs limiting your educ ation. There are not as many colleges which force the students that do want more options for education to go away for school. This ultimately ends up costing much more; having to pay for housing, out of state tuition’s, and everything else that comes with living away from home. see more:disadvantages of living in the countryside There is indeed an advantage of education in the country,which is a smaller classroom size.This gives a better student-teacher relationship and there is more one-on-one interaction resulting in a better understanding and more knowledge towards their studies. Job descriptions and duties can be quiet different then living in the city. In the country a lot of people grow, eat, and sell their own crops and what they don’t have they can trade off with their neighbors, whom do the same. It is a common procedure done in rural areas. Being that malls, restaurants, grocery stores, and the buildings in general are significantly spread apart. There are less job opportunities available and the ones that aremost likely do not have a high pay.The work force in smaller towns may be fueled by local manufacturing plants, nearby corporate headquarters or area colleges and universities. Depending on the location and the enterprise, it could be more difficult to make a small town business prof itable (Tigro). This is why some folksrely on other resources for extra funds. Money in the country is not needed as much as in the city because daily living and expenses are not as much The lifestyle/environment and cost of living of these two places greatly differ as well. The city life is a busy, hyper and an active lifestyle where convenience is at your side most of the time compared to living in the country. Population in the city is much greater so movies, malls, restaurants, grocery stores, and other reliable sources are at easy access because there are so many. This makes it very convenient to live in the city where errands are done much faster and easier and free time activities are right on hand when desired. Public transportation is another advantage of living in the city: there are taxies, buses or train stations on almost every corner in big cities making it easier to get around if you have no means of transportation. Since a lot of places in the city are so close, traveling from place to place does not affect much time in your daily schedule making your day more efficient. To come with all of these advantages, living expenses in the city are a bit high. â€Å"[I]n many urban areas, including Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Boston, wor king families often struggle to find affordable housing. Indeed, the price of housing often gets the most attention when it comes to measuring the cost of city living. Rent and housing prices tend to be significantly higher in urban locations†(Palmer).Having all of these amenities at such close reach is convenient but there is always a downfall. In general, the cities with the lowest real estate prices per square foot were cities that have suffered from poor economic conditions for some time (Sauter). In order to live comfortably in the city, having a well-paid job is a must. The lifestyle and environment in the country has a calm, pure and peaceful scenery where everything is open, there are fewer buildings, minimum cars and people cluttering the area giving you a good sense of freedom and tranquility. Activities are very exciting and thrilling in the country also, consisting of hiking, fishing, horseback riding, four wheeling, plus many more. These fun activities can also be good for your health which is a great benefit too. Living expenses in the country are significantly less compared to the city. One individual that was reluctant to move from the city to the country says 10 years later, â€Å"My mortgage is less, taxes are less, car insurance is less, and our needs are less.†(Childs). There is less income in the country but that comes with fewer expenses. [Y]our cost of living could be 1/2 as much as it is in the city. Therefore, taking a $2-3 cut per hour isn’t such a big deal when you look at the big picture. Crime and death rates should definitely be on your check list when debating where to live, it is entirely up to an individual and what makes them more comfortable as it is something that needs to be looked at carefully, there are both advantages and disadvantages to both places. It is known that in the city there is an alarming higher crime rate. Studies demonstrate: the average annual 1993-98 violent crime rate in urban areas was about 74% higher than the rural rate.This is a disadvantage of living in an urban area in the city where crime is a lot more likely to occur to you or someone you know,this may make it uneasy to be comfortable where you live.Something to look at on the positive side is normally you have people around you for most part of your day because there are s o many individuals that live in the city. This makes it a little less likely for someone to be able to get away with something without someone seeing. Crime rates are just so much higher because there are a lot more people in the city increasing those chances. Crime rates in the country are at a comfortably low rate and for the simple fact that there is a smaller population. This is an advantage of living in the quiet rural areas having a more comfortable state of mind knowing murders, rapes, and other horrible crimes are less likely to arise in your hometown. You would assume that just as crime rates are at low number numbered in the country; deaths from injuries would be as well.Brian Howard of The National Geographic says â€Å"For years, people have moved to the country to escape the dangers of big city life.†In this article a study done by researcher Sage Myers and his team says they attempted to classify deaths from injuries â€Å"across the rural-urban continuum.†They looked at data on 1,295,919 deat hs from injuries in 3,141 U.S. counties from 1999 to 2006. These deaths were caused by car accidents, shootings, falls, drowning, suffocation, and more†¦The researchers found that the risk of death from injury was 1.22 times higher in the most rural counties, compared with the most urban ones. Differences between the life in a city and in the country have many different options to weigh out and there is no right answer because it all depends on one’s personal opinion to decide which lifestyle is the best and how you would prefer to live. There are an extraordinary amount of advantages and disadvantages in education/job opportunities, Crime/death rates, as well as the environment/lifestyle and the cost of living of the two areas. They are both beautiful places in their own way. Work Cited: Childs, Laura. â€Å"Jobs in the country.†. Date Accessed: 25 March 2014. Duhart, Detis.†Urban, Suburban, And Rural Victimization, 1993-98.†. Date Accessed: 23 March 2014. Howard, Brian. â€Å"Why Cities Are Safer Than Rural Areas: 5 Surprising Facts.†. Date Accessed: 23 March 2014. Palmer, Kimberly. â€Å"Why You Pay Extra to Live in the City.†. Date Accessed: 26 March 2014. Sauter, Michael. â€Å"The Ten Most (and Least) Affordable Cities to Buy a Home†. <>.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Project Proposal for E-Commerce Site - 4703 Words
Abstract Ecommerce provides customers with the convenience to buy the products they need instantly from the convenience of their offices, homes and anywhere provided they can access a computer connected to the internet. Business competitive edge improves because they can trade on the global market place. It also gives businesses recurring revenues based on recommending products to customers, through goods previously brought by customers. This is what is called up selling and cross selling. However not all ecommerce solutions improve the experience customers wish to have while shopping online. Research shows that nearly 47% drop out when they get to the checkout due to various reasons as will be highlighted later on. The main aim of this†¦show more content†¦In 1994 there were several advancements that took place such as online banking offered by Stanford Federal Credit Union to all its members and the online Pizza Shop by Pizza Hut. In the same year, Netscape introduced SSL encryption of data transmitted online, which has become essential for secure online shopping. This was the renaissance of new ways of doing business as a result developments in computing and information sharing through the World Wide Web. Some of the new ways of doing business that emerged were E-banking, E-commerce E-marketing among many others. The kind of information a site uses to do its core business operations depends critically on what the site does e.g. a site that does promotions and advertising do not require robust security features as an online banking system that has to be secure from the users browser to the network and lastly the server. Suffice to say this security mechanisms need to be implemented both physically and logically. On the other hand an Ecommerce site requires medium security that is much stronger than that for advertising but less strong compared to E-banking. I must over emphasize security because it is enhances client trust which is one of the fundamental ways of improving the online shopping experience. According to Wikipedia online shopping online shopping is a form of electronic commerce whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from aShow MoreRelatedProject Management and Business1537 Words  | 7 PagesExperience Benchmarking / Best Practice / Template Files / ïÆ'†SAMPLE: E-commerce RFP E-commerce Platform and Third-Party Logistics Guidance Notes, Checklist and Templates Sample only, please download the full report from: E-commerce RFP Sample only, please download the full repo rt from: Published 2009 All rights reserved. No part of this publicationRead MoreE Commerce : A Type Of Business1328 Words  | 6 PagesE-COMMERCE INTRODUCTION: Electronic Commerce, usually addressed as E-commerce can be described as a type of business used for commercial transactions which involves transfer of information across the internet. 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