Saturday, May 23, 2020
Movie Analysis Spartacus - 1983 Words
Harrison Tobin Zeiner-Carmichael Maymester 2015 Film Analysis Spartacus: Film Analysis Spartacus, directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1960, is a magnificent Roman tale that represents the passionate and fanatical care that Spartacus, a Thracian slave, ensured for countless innocent slaves and citizens despite the detrimental disadvantage that this massive group of people endured for multiple years. It all began when Lentulus Batiatus, a Roman â€Å"lanista†businessman, ventured to North Africa in order to find healthy and vigorous slaves so they could be trained and eventually formed into combat gladiators. Spartacus is a muscular man, therefore he is chosen by Batiatus. Through a series of events, Marcus Licinius Crassus, who is the richest and most powerful man in Rome, enters the gladiator school and insists on seeing a â€Å"fight to the death.†Eventually, Spartacus is chosen to duel with Draba; and surprisingly, Draba quickly has Spartacus in a position where he could have easily slayed him, but instead Draba dropped his weapon and attempted to atta ck Crassus before rapidly being stabbed in the back by a Roman soldier. Shortly after this gladiatorial uprising, Crassus hears that slaves have ran free near Mount Vesuvius but does not seem to worry as he downplays them as â€Å"merely just a slave army.†(90, Big Screen Rome) This worries many Roman elites and citizens because â€Å"there are more slaves than Romans.†(90, Big Screen Rome) As Gracchus attempts to persuade Crassus toShow MoreRelatedMovie And Scene Of The Movie Spartacus 1659 Words  | 7 PagesThe popular 1960 film Spartacus, directed by Stanley Kubrick and named after the famous slave revolt leader of the same name, was no exception. Movie and Scene Presentation Summary The film was set in the same setting as the titular protagonist historically started the slave revolt: in Italy, and was especially set in the time of the Roman Empire. Spartacus, the slave, was sold off to a man named Batiatus, who had the slave enrolled into a gladiator school. Soon after, Spartacus and many other gladiatorRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement And Mccarthyism1862 Words  | 8 Pagesto fit historical accuracy and changing contemporary politics. This essay will analyze the general role of Christians and their gradually subdued explicit presence through time in the movies, Quo Vadis (Zimbalist 1951), Ben-Hur (Zimbalist 1959), Spartacus (Douglas 1960), and The Fall of the Roman Empire (Bronston 1964). Quo Vadis has a plot dependent on the plight of innocent, peaceful Christians against the evil tyranny of the â€Å"antichrist,†Nero, which is revealed in the opening narration (ZimbalistRead More Analysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago Essay1490 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of the Movie Doctor Zhivago Doctor Zhivago is a historically accurate movie. It is a love story that takes place during the Russian Revolution, World War One, and the Russian Civil War. Doctor Zhivago is historically correct because of the events it represents, the people the actors portray, and the level of detail put into the setting. At the beginning of the movie, there is a scene showing a man handing out flyers asking workers to join him in a peaceful march to protest againstRead MoreBayard Rustin And The Civil Rights Movement1338 Words  | 6 Pageshome (Spartacus Educational Publishers). These events were a great influence on him and can be said to have contributed to his interest in campaigns against the racially discriminatory Jim Crow laws during his teenage years and the civil rights as well as LGBT rights later on in life. It is in high school, where he excelled in academia as well as sports, where Rustin first protested against racial segregation by refusing to sit on a balcony that was reserved for blacks only in the local movie theaterRead MoreEssay about How to Read Literature Like a Professor1562 Words  | 7 Pagesgo there, (d) challenges and trials en route, and (e) a real reason to go there. I believe that almost every literary work consists of a quest, but some are more obvious than others. An example of a quest would be from my all time favorite Disney movie, â€Å"Up†. * (a) A quester: Carl Frederickson (b) A place to go: Paradise Falls (c) A stated reason to go there: When Carl and his wife were younger; they both idolized an explorer named Charles Muntz. They were saving up money to go to ParadiseRead MoreBraveheart Figurative Language1522 Words  | 7 Pages Wu 1 Raymond Wu Instructor: Ian Patrick Cresswell English 100 – 03 22 March 2016 MLA Braveheart Speech: In-depth Analysis Regarding Figurative Language Braveheart is a historical drama epic film from 1995. The film was nominated for ten Academy Awards and won five. The film is non-fictional and depicts the events of William Wallace, a Scottish hero who led the Scots during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. However, despite the historical inaccuracies cited by criticsRead MoreMasculinity in the Media3136 Words  | 13 Pagesvery violent and aggressive lyrics and demeanor compared to bands of previous decades. Products sold to this market have been reinforced as violent masculinity, as rebellious, humorous and â€Å"cool†. The 1985 Rambo film was to many people the ideal movie that represented American masculinity. The film’s dominant strain, is one of an America truly regenerated through violence, a resurrected nation bursting with pride, power, and unabashed aggression that can humble any enemy. President Reagan referred
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The American Dream Speech Essay - 730 Words
In life people often overcome difficult things and learn â€Å"life lessons†that impact their life and way of thinking. Often times Literature can influence people’s thoughts and action. Specifically, Dr. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"The American Dream†is an excellent example of influential speaking. The song â€Å"one tribe†by the black eyed peas is also a song that changes people’s thinking. In addition, Cesar Chavez’s speeches are another example of influential speaking. I think the theme of these influential speaking is Righteousness, Independence, and Egalitarianism for everyone. In the famous speech â€Å"The American Dream†Dr. Martin Luther King shares an insight to what he has seen in his life and an insight into equality and unity in the United†¦show more content†¦Finally, Cesar Chavez was born into a Mexican-American family on March 31, 1937. Cesar Chavez was a person who spoke out for the rights of farmworkers in America so they would have equal rights. Originally a Mexican American farm worker, Chavez became the best known Latino American civil rights activist and was strongly promoted by the American labor movement, which was eager to enroll Hispanic members. His public-relations approach to unionism and aggressive but nonviolent tactics made the farm workers struggle a moral cause with nationwide support. By the late 1970s, his tactics had forced growers to recognize the UFW as the bargaining agent for 50,000 field workers in California and Florida. During his lifetime, Colegio Cesar Chavez was one of the few institutions named in h is honor, but after his death, he became a major historical icon for the Latino community, with many schools, streets, and parks being named after him. He has since become an icon for organized labor and leftist politics, symbolizing support for workers and for Hispanic empowerment based on grassroots organizing. He is also famous for popularizing the slogan Sà , se Puede (Spanish for Yes, one can or, roughly, Yes, it can beShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men1500 Words  | 6 PagesYear 11 Controlled Assessments â€Å"I Have a Dream†by Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most memorable speeches of all time. It is worthy of lengthy study as we can all learn speechwriting skills from King’s historic masterpiece. Martin Luther Kings Speech I have a dream is a very touching speech which expresses freedom and equality to its audience. The greatness of this speech is tied to its historical content. In this essay I will investigate and explore how Martin Luther King EmphasisesRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Obama s Victory Speech1181 Words  | 5 PagesObama’s Victory Speech Introduction: Barack Obama was re-elected as President of the U.S on November 6th, 2012. Barack Obama held his Victory Speech on the following day. This essay will analyze and comment on an excerpt of that exacting Victory Speech and the solution focus of the criticism will be on the Rhetorical belongings of the Speech. By using numerous forms of Rhetorical apparatus like Anaphora or Tautology, Barack Obama controls to offer a Speech that is full of American thoughts of lifeRead MoreCritical Response Essay Final - I Have a Dream981 Words  | 4 Pages‘I have a Dream’ – Critical Response Essay ------------------------------------------------- How does ‘I have a Dream’ By Martin Luther King conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a persuasive speech, and for what purpose? ------------------------------------------------- I have chosen the question â€Å"How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a particular genre, and for what purpose?†I have decided to analyse Martin Luther King’s classic Civil Rights MovementRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream Speech1230 Words  | 5 Pages Rhetorical Analysis Essay on Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream†speech Professor Hailemarkos Worke ENGL 102 Sefra Belay September 29, 2017 Rhetorical Analysis Essay In Washington DC, on August 28, 1963 was the day that Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his â€Å"I have a dream†speech. According to Kennedy X.J., et al. in their book, The Brief Bedford Reader, Martin Luther King was an American Baptist minister who became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership ConferenceRead MoreThe American Dream By The Declaration Of Independence886 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Dream Introduction The American dream is the hope in freedom which enables all citizens to achieve their goals through hard work. The American dream is a belief of equality and prosperity in America. The American dream is a set of ideals that allows society to have high standards of living through hard work of citizens. The country has no barriers and every member who works hard has an equal opportunity. The hope of having a sense of social equality is the American dream (Stalp). ItRead MoreMartin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech891 Words  | 4 PagesSince Kindergarten, teachers have been teaching students about Martin Luther King Junior’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech. Ever since children have been born, they have celebrated Independence Day by either going to a parade, or shooting fireworks. Although, at these young ages, children don’t quite know the real importance of each of them. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted every human being, regardless of their race to be treated fai rly or just. Independence Day was the day on July 4, 1776 where fifty-sixRead MoreMy Opinon on the American Dream1393 Words  | 6 Pagesyou gave me. Thanks. The so-called American Dream is one of the most time-honored and clichà © phrases used to describe the conception of the United States. It is commonly used to refer to the notion that anyone can come to this country and, through hard work and sheer will, change his or her fortune and lot in life in a way that other countries simply do not allow people to do. However, it is interesting to see that this popular idea of the American Dream does not necessarily correlate to the perceptionsRead MoreBack to School Speech by Obama993 Words  | 4 PagesEssay about â€Å" BACK TO SCHOOL â€Å" This essay is about President Barack Obama’s speech â€Å" Back to school â€Å" which he held September 8th 2009 at the Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. The overall message in the speech is whether young people are taking school serious and understand the importance of hard work. Not only for themselves but also for the future of the country. â€Å"Hello everyone – how’s everybody doing today? I’m here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, VirginiaRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy Compared to Martin Luther King Jr.957 Words  | 4 PagesCompare and Contrast Essay There have been many great speeches delivered in the past. Some of the best ones demonstrated why our our freedoms, our liberty, and to be united as a country, is so important. John F. Kennedy’s â€Å"Inaugural Address†and Martin Luther King Junior’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†are both great examples of such historical speeches. Both these speeches have many similarities such as, referencing the past, wanting change to happen, and both desired peace. Yet with all these similaritiesRead MoreMartin Luther King Rhetorical Analysis806 Words  | 4 PagesRhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King’s Speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†Likita M. Taylor ITT-Tech English 1320: Composition I November 12 2012 Rhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King’s Speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†â€Å"I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.†These are the opening words of Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream speech†, which he predicted will be the foundation of the Civil Rights Movement
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Is Sip Trunk Free Essays
What a SIP trunk is? A SIP trunk is an IP connection that establishes a SIP communications link between your organization and an Internet telephony service provider (ITSP) beyond your firewall. Typically, a SIP trunk is used to connect your organization’s central site to an ITSP. In some cases, you may also opt to use SIP trunking to connect your branch site to an ITSP. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Sip Trunk or any similar topic only for you Order Now Unlike in traditional telephony, where bundles of physical wires were once delivered from the service provider to a business, a SIP trunk allows a company to replace these traditional fixed PSTN lines with PSTN connectivity via a SIP trunking service provider on the Internet. SIP trunks can offer significant cost-savings for enterprises, eliminating the need for local PSTN gateways, costly ISDN BRIs (Basic Rate Interfaces) or PRIs (Primary Rate Interfaces). Why you would use a SIP trunk? Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used to initiate and manage Voice over IP (VoIP) communications sessions for basic telephone service and for additional real-time communication services, such as instant messaging, conferencing, presence detection, and multimedia. This section provides planning information for implementing SIP trunks, a type of SIP connection that extends beyond the boundary of your local network. Deploying SIP trunking can be a big step toward simplifying your organization’s telecommunications and preparing for up-to-date enhancements to real-time communications. One of the primary advantages of SIP trunking is that you can consolidate your organization’s connections to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) at a central site, as opposed to its predecessor, time division multiplexing (TDM) trunking, which typically requires a separate trunk from each branch site. RFCs that discuss SIP trunking Best Practices for SIP Trunks: Since SIP trunks are meant for interconnection between servers, they SHOULD run over TCP. Authentication SHOULD be done using mutual TLS authentication, with both sides of the trunk providing a TLS Certificate. TODO: might be interesting to recommend some practices for usage of phone numbers, but this might be out of scope here. Security Considerations: Servers providing SIP trunks will need to authenticate and authorize access to those trunk services. This specification recommends usage of the practices defined and required in RFC 3261 – mutual TLS uthentication – for this purpose. In some cases, the requests sent on SIP trunks can require confidentiality and message integrity. In such cases, usage of mutual authenticated TLS is RECOMMENDED. [RFC3261] Rosenberg, J. , Schulzrinne, H. , Camarillo, G. , Johnston, A. , Peterson, J. , Sparks, R. , Handley, M. , and E Schooler, â€Å"SIP: Session Initiation Protocol†, RFC 3261, June 2002. [RFC3263] Rosenberg, J. and H . Schulzrinne, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers†, RFC 3263, June 2002. Informative References: [RFC4458] Jennings, C. , Audet, F. , and J. Elwell, â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URIs for Applications such as Voicemail and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)†, RFC 4458, April 2006. [RFC4480] Schulzrinne, H. , Gurbani, V. , Kyzivat, P. , and J. Rosenberg, â€Å"RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to the Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)†, RFC 4480, July 2006. [RFC3903] Niemi, A. , â€Å"Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension for Event State Publication†, RFC 3903, October 2004. How to cite What Is Sip Trunk, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Violence Psychiatric Departments Proposed †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Violence In Psychiatric Departments Proposed? Answer: Introducation Nurses working in the psychiatric departments have to face a large number of issues in their workplace because of the aggression of the patients. Often in many cases, nurses have complained of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse as well as verbal abuse from the patients. All of these create stress which leads to degradation of nurses physical health and also emotional stability. Not only physical harm, such nurses also has to go through various mental harassments which result in emotional turmoil. They suffer from anxiety disorders, depression and many other mental disorders. Stevenson et al. (2015) has stated that more than 55% of the nurses are victims of verbal or emotional abuse, 19.5% experienced sexual abuse and 20.3% reported physical abuse in their shifts. Latta et al. (2016) has stated that a high prevalence of the different violent events have a very negative impact on the well being of the different nurses which in turn result in the overall impairment of the war d climate. They are also of the operations that nurse use very limited techniques for prevention of such violent incidences. (Maguire, Daffren Martin 2014). Different recommendations have been put forward by researchers which they believe can bring out techniques for preventions of such violence on patients. Yang et al., (2017) has stated in his study that such violence can be prevented by development of de-escalating skills and effective coping strategies. They also suggest that communication skills are also important for the prevention of the violence. Gaynes, Brown and Lux et al., (2016) have stated that reduction of the use of medical restraints and seclusion and increasing the alternative methods like proper leadership towards organization changes, proper use of data for informing changes, development of workforce , debriefing techniques and other can also reduce aggression. Although various researchers have given forward different prevention techniques but very few papers have actually researched over the efficiency of the techniques. Moreover no papers are present which have provided importance to what the nurses think about the techniques. As the nurses are the one who would be mainly using the techniques, it becomes extremely important to know whether they perceive the techniques to be helpful or not. It is also important to know whether the techniques are difficult for them to adopt or not. Moreover there should be also researches to know whether nurses themselves have any recommendations which would help them in preventing such violence. Therefore a research needs to be conducted which would help to know about the perceptions of nurses regarding the credibility and success rates of the prevention techniques. It would also want their recommendations that whether they find these techniques easier to adopt than said. Once the research gap identified i s properly researched and nurses perceptions about the different techniques are identified, it would become easier for the organization to introduce such techniques for the new nurses entering the mental health department. This would prevent them from development of any physical or mental impact and can take active prevention steps against aggression and violence displayed by patients. The aim of the study would be to discuss the nurses perception of the different prevention techniques of aggression and violence from the patients at workplace developed by different researchers and also explores their recommendations about the correct procedures which they think would be helpful for them in protecting themselves from aggression. Study objective: To discuss the different prevention techniques with the mental healthcare nurses. To explore their perceptions about the success rates of the different techniques with the nurses To explore their perceptions about which techniques they found to be fruitful. To understand how difficult they perceive each technique to be accustomed with or to practice them. To understand what they recommend the organization to implement for helping them as well as the nee nurses who would be entering the ward. Research question: What are the different perceptions that the nurses have about the different recommended prevention techniques for aggression and violence put forwarded by researchers over the years and whether they have any of their own suggested technique that they feel would act as successful preventive strategy for aggression? Research design and rationale: An interpretive descriptive approach is adopted for the research in the form of an inductive method of qualitative research style. This research would mainly involve development of a descriptive process and would further help to discover the potential associations of the nurses perceptions of aggression and the recommended preventive strategies which had been suggested by researchers over the years. For example, this method is helpful as it would help in forming a connecting link between the potential associations of work stress of the nurses with the aggression of the patients and will also state the effects of the different recommended techniques. They would also suggest their own recommendations for prevention of aggression which in the long run will help to develop the quality of care provided by them. Including their perspectives would make them feel respected and they would feel that the organization cares for them. Hence, a descriptive qualitative method would best suit to mee t the goals and objectives of the research by the following procedures mentioned (Guay, Goncalves Boyer 2016). Therefore an extensive interview would be taken after proper selection of participants. The data would be coded with proper procedures and the transcripts will be judged on the basis of grounded theory. Ultimately, codes which are repeated frequently will be analyzed before reaching a conclusion. Research methodology: The participants were selected from 4 mental healthcare settings from their psychiatric departmental wards. 5 participants from each of the mental health care centers would be taken and will be purposively selected. The nurses will be selected as such that they would have four important inclusion criteria. They would be (1) fluent in English, (2)holder of license of registered nurses in their territory (3)employed for ongoing eight years as registered nurses in the department of psychiatry in acute cares, (4) experience any one type of aggression and abuses form patients (Stuart 2014). Those nurses who are engaged on any sort of legal proceeding would be excluded. This is because they are not allowed to participate themselves in any discussions of their alleged experiences. The strategies that would be incorporated would be convenience sampling of the nurses in each of the mental healthcare centers. The sample should be such that all the 20 nurses who would e selected would portray a t least each different types of abuses and violence they faced at the hands of the patients Conducting the interview: The interview will be conducted with the nurses in face to face interaction mode. Open ended questionnaires need to be prepared by the researchers. This mode of questionnaire would give scopes to the participants to discuss their feelings and perceptions about their work stress in details (Angland, Dowling Casey 2014). Care should be taken that the same questions should be used for every participants so that the interviews can develop an understanding about the perception of the nurses in each questions and thereby able to derive various views in every single questions. This will help to understand how each topic is variously looked upon by different nurses. Data collection: The primary data should be collected from the semi structured interviews in order to gain understanding about the views of the nurses regarding preventive strategies for violence at workplace. Secondary data collection would mainly involve defining the problems as well as conducting a needs analysis. The answers which will be provided by the nurses will be quickly jotted down in files (Marshall Rossman 2014). The data will be collected by writing as well as with the help of tape recorders so that even missed out points can be recollected. Two participants will be interviewed per day. Therefore 20 participants would require a total of 10 days to complete the interview sessions. Data analysis: The interviews would be audio taped as well as written. Subsequently, they would be imported into NVIVO 10 which is a software program for conducting qualitative data analysis (Houghton et al. 2013). Data would be mainly analyzed by inductively utilizing the conventional content analysis approach. In this, the data will be at first gathered. After that they would be coded in to emergent themes. The thematic data which would be obtained would then constantly undergo several revisions even after initial coding is done. When the coding process would be continued, a constant comparative process would be used. This would be done to compare each of the ideas they suggest about the prevention techniques and then identification of the overall conceptions of the use of such techniques in the working field. Interpretations of the data would then go through thoughtful clinical test in order to ensure that the findings are reviewed by other researchers as well as educators who are experts in psy chiatry (Dicenso, Guyatt Colliska 2014). This would help in determination of whether the results were plausible. Significance of the study: The successful completion of the research would help the researchers to get a detailed idea about how the different techniques introduced by the researchers like de-escalating techniques, development of effective communication, application of calm environments and many others are perceived by the nurses. As the nurses are those who are engaged directly with the patients, they would be the best judges to determine the success rates of the techniques. Therefore, their perceptions about the techniques matter a lot as their interview answers will be used by the policy makers of the organization to implement the techniques which they think would be helpful. In this way, the research would be helpful to derive the techniques which the nurses found easier to adapt and also those which can be implemented due to its increased success rates. These would prevent the nurses from developing physical and mental health issues and also at the same time, they would be able to help the new nurses to p rotect them from the harmful effects of aggression. Ethical considerations: Maintaining the ethics while conducting the research is very important and hence care should be taken by the interviewers that they have completed each of the ethical principles properly. The most important ethics is to maintain privacy and confidentiality of the interviews with the nurses so that the information and data do not get leaked (Lewis 2015). For this reason, all the recorded data would be kept in locker and properly locked so that they do not reach the hand of others. Secondly, the participants would be told the main motive of the study and the different procedures the researchers are adapting to (Elo et al. 2014). This would be written on paper and signed by the participants so that no legal obligations can rise later. The patients should not be kept in darkness regarding any fact. Thirdly, no participants would be forced to recall or discuss anything which they do not want to disclose to the researchers (Vaimorardi, Turunen Bondas 2013). They would only discuss their f eelings as long as they are comfortable and want to participate in the interview voluntarily. Timeframes: Task And Time 1st week (2nd-4th) week (5th-7th)Week (8th-10th) week (11th -16th) week (17th -20th)week (21th-23th) week 24th week 25th week 26th Week Background Literature Review Research Methodology Design of Data Collection and Methods Data Collection Data Analysis and Presentation Conclusion and Recommendations Proof- Reading Sending First Draft to Supervisor Printing, Binding and Submission Members Description Amount Space allocated for conducting research work Rent $5000 (If permitted within university, it would become free) Researchers working under the project, performing coding, categorisation Salary, supervision $10000 Education resources Log books, online article access, printing and photocopying $1000 Fund allocated for technicians helping in the software mediated processes of coding Salary $10000 Communication with the clinic and taking proper arrangement of the interview rooms Allocation of the resources, tape recorder, making rooms sound proof $1000 Equipments and stationeries Instruments for measurement, tracking system, pens, papers, $1500 Others $1000 Total $41500 References: Angland, S., Dowling, M., Casey, D. 2014. Nurses perceptions of the factors which cause violence and aggression in the management department: a qualitative stu y.International emergency nursing,Vol. 22 No.(3), pp 134-139. Creswell, J. W., Poth, C. N. 2017.Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications. DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G., Ciliska, D. 2014.Evidence-Based Nursing-E-Book: A Guide to Clinical Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Elo, S., Kriinen, M., Kanste, O., Plkki, T., Utriainen, K., Kyngs, H. 2014. Qualitative content analysis: A focus on trustworthiness.Sage Open,Vol 4 No. (1), pp 213-220. Flick, U. 2014.An introduction to qualitative research. Sage. Gaynes, B. N., Brown, C., Lux, L. J., Brownley, K., Van Dorn, R., Edlund, M., ... Viswanathan, M. 2016. Strategies To De-escalate Aggressive Behavior in Psychiatric Patients. Guay, S., Goncalves, J., Boyer, R. 2016, August. Evaluation of an Education and Training Program to Prevent and Manage Patients Violence in a Mental Health Setting: A Pretest-Posttest Intervention Study. InHealthcare Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 49. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Houghton, C., Casey, D., Shaw, D., Murphy, K. 2013. Rigour in qualitative case-study research.Nurse researcher,Vol 20 No (4), pp 12-17. Lantta, T., Anttila, M., Kontio, R., Adams, C. E., Vlimki, M. 2016. Violent events, ward climate and ideas for violence prevention among nurses in psychiatric wards: a focus group study.International journal of mental health systems,Vol 10 no (1), pp27. Lewis, S. 2015. Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches.Health promotion practice,Vol :16 No (4), pp 473-475. Maguire, T., Daffern, M., Martin, T. 2014. Exploring nurses' and patients' perspectives of limit setting in a forensic mental health setting.International journal of mental health nursing,Vol 23 No (2), pp 153-160. Marshall, C., Rossman, G. B. 2014.Designing qualitative research. Sage publications. Stevenson, K. N., Jack, S. M., OMara, L., LeGris, J. 2015. Registered nurses experiences of patient violence on acute care psychiatric inpatient units: an interpretive descriptive study.BMC nursing, Vol 14 No (1), pp-35. Stuart, G. W. 2014.Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Vaismoradi, M., Turunen, H., Bondas, T. 2013. Content analysis and thematic analysis: Implications for conducting a qualitative descriptive study.Nursing health sciences,Vol 15 No (3), pp. 398-405. Yang, B. X., Stone, T. E., Petrini, M. A., Morris, D. L. 2017. Incidence, Type, Related Factors, and Effect of Workplace Violence on Mental Health Nurses: A Cross-sectional Survey.Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.
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